Board Report May 2024

Principal Report: Mr. Bohm discussed a new course proposal for the Fresh Start Program Social Development that he would like to implement starting next school year which is a program that allows us to assist our incoming Freshman that are already struggling with any of the qualifying criteria: Attendance, Behavior, Course Performance, Administration/Parent Recommendation in hopes to give these students a better chance to succeed to graduate. Mr. Bohm also discussed how students will be able to earn a ½ credit with the successful completion of the 20 hour program. He is also recommending a course proposal for math Essentials (which Mr. Shepherd also discussed in his presentation). This is a prerequisite for Freshman and Sophomores concurrently enrolled in Concepts of Algebra, or approval of Math Essentials Instructor. This course will serve as an additional support for students enrolled in Concepts in Algebra, as the curriculum of the two courses will be directly correlated. LACC Report: Mrs. Graves discussed some upcoming important dates: Senior interviews are April 17 th , Skills USA is April 24-27 in Peoria, and Awards night for LACC is May 2 at 6:00. FY 24 Grant funds are on track for this year with two payments remaining.

Personnel Recommendations:

Resignation: 

Jennifer Babb, Pontio Advisor (Effective at the end of F24)

Personnel Hires: 

Mackenzie Jones, Mathematics Teacher  Michael Friend, Substitute Teacher  Lisa Heberg, Asst. Girls Basketball  Loni Herzog, Volunteer Volleyball Coach  Ryan Bustle, Assistant Principal Contract Extension  Eric Bohm, Principal Contract Extension  Tera Graves, Career Center Director Contract Extension  April Schneeman – Pontio Advisor  Emilyn Kuta – Pontio Support

Closed Session: Not Needed

Action Items: Approve the collective bargaining agreement as presented with the Pontiac Staff Association: A motion was made by Mr. Sartoris and seconded by Mrs. Diemer. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion was passed. Approve the resignation of Jennifer Babb as Pontio Advisor at the end of FY2024: A motion was made by Mr. Heller and seconded by Mrs. Ralph. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion was passed.

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