Board Report May 2024


Call to Order, Pledge, and Roll Call: The Pontiac Township High School District No. 90 Board of Education held it regularly scheduled meeting in the Dr. Ronald J Yates Memorial Library at 7:00 pm. Mr. Schrock called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board Members Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert answered roll call. Also present were Administrators Jon Kilgore, Eric Bohm, Tera Graves and Board Secretary Kelly Carter.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from our regularly scheduled board meeting on March 11, 2024 were approved. Motion by Mrs. Ralph and seconded by Mr. Lambert. Motion passed.

Approval of Bills & Requisitions: A motion was made by Mr. Heller and seconded by Mr. Masching to approve the High School and LACC Finance Reports; the High School, OM and LACC bills, the High School and LACC SBAA Activity Reports and Cafeteria Reports. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Heller, Mrs. Ralph, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer and Mr. Sartoris all voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion passed.

Recognition of Guests: Chad Shepherd, Math Department Chair.

Communications: Mr. Kilgore received a FOIA request from Jay Jones requesting a list of projects proposed for this year.

Public Comment: None.

Presentations: Mr. Shepherd reviewed the current Math Dept. faculty list and discussed a new hire math teacher for the 24-25 school year (pending board approval). He discussed the state Math Competition and the two students that made it to state were Zach Masching and Josh Hartke. He also proposed a new math course called Math Essentials: Pre-requisite for Freshman and Sophomores to help with math concepts to develop their math skills. Board Business: Financial Report: Mr. Kilgore presented the cash flow report which has a slight deficit for the month. We will be doing a budget amendment. This amendment is due to higher transportation costs and audit adjustments from last year that carried over to this fiscal year. . Current projection, we estimate being over budget around 50k. Building and Grounds Update : Some of the items on the list this summer are as follows: New windows in the library, gym painting, greenhouse, weight room, and partitions in boys and girls bathrooms in the locker rooms. Pontiac Staff Association, CBA 2025-2028 : Mr. Kilgore, Nick Sartoris and Ashley Ralph met with representatives Steve Randall and Dan Kridner from the Maintenance Dept. to discuss the new CBA agreement. They were able to come to a mutual agreement.

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