The CHIEF October 2022
PTHS Art Update By: Caroline Paulson
Art this year is off to a great start! The different classes are starting some really interesting projects. Art I is working on ceramics, starting with a textured tile to learn the basics, and then will be moving on to pinch pots, where they will use the skills they’ve learned from the tiles. Art II is also working on ceramics, and are making rattles! They have to use all of the ceramics skills from their previous year of Art, and a few new techniques to get the job done. Art III has been working on pen drawings, where they sketch and outline a drawing from a reference image, and then use their newly learned pen drawing techniques to shade them. AP Art is working on individual sustained investigations for their AP portfolios. Each student has a different theme than each other, and there are some interesting themes! One student is basing their investigation on memories from their childhood and another is focused on temptation. I personally can’t wait to see all of the artwork hung up in the hallways this year, and am looking forward to all of the progress the rest of the art students will make!
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