The CHIEF October 2022
Editor-in-Chief: Vanessa Kapper The Chief Staff Dalton Baker Kyla Baker Willow Dodson AuBrianna Foglio Rebekah Hendershott Addisyn McKinney
Enjoy creative writing? If you ever would ever like to see your creative pieces in The Chief , contact Dr. Soares or Mr. Blair!
Summer Negray Caroline Paulson Lauren Russow
Mr. Blair, Faculty Sponsor Dr. Soares, Faculty Sponsor The CHIEF logos designed by Abbi Schott
Student Poetry: "Fall" By: Lauren Russow
Fall is a season of comfort and calm The dried leaves crackle and crunch as they fall
Roasting marshmallows on a campfire are enjoyed by all Pumpkin and Hazelnut spiced aroma wafts through the air Frothy hot lattes are being handcrafted with care Hot caramel apple cider is a seasonal treat Pumpkins and apples are baked into goods to eat Fall is a season of comfort and calm
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