PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

Medication: All medications (prescription and non-prescription) are to be kept locked in the School Based Health Center and will be dispensed by the Nurse Practitioner or Nurse. In the absence of Health Center staff, medications may be dispensed by PTHS Administration. Those students with prescribed emergency medications (i.e., inhalers, Epi-Pens, Glucagon, etc.) are strongly encouraged to keep those medications with them at all times. All student medication must be accompanied by a School Based Health Center Consent form and a Medication Authorization Form signed by the prescribing Provider and parent/guardian. Failure to present all of the appropriate paperwork will result in no medication being distributed to the student until the paperwork is received. Medications must be brought to school in the prescribed bottle/package including the prescription label or in the original container for non-prescription medications. Medication found in a student’s locker or on the student’s person will be considered in violation of the school’s regulations concerning drugs and will be confiscated, excluding emergency medications (i.e., inhalers, Epi-Pens, Glucagon). Students will be responsible at the end of the treatment regime for removing any unused medication from the school. Medications remaining after the school year will be taken to one of the area participating pharmacies or pill-disposal locations for incineration. Controlled substances (i.e., ADHD medications) will be given to Livingston County Sheriff’s Office for proper disposal. Required Health Examinations and Immunizations All students are required to present the appropriate proof of a health examination prior to school registration. The exam must be completed on the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form and must include up-to-date immunizations with the medical history completed and signed by the parent. The physical examination must be completed within one calendar year prior to the date of entry. A sports exam form can not be used for a school physical exam form. IMMUNIZATION, HEALTH, DENTAL, AND EYE EXAMINATIONS

Dental Examination must be performed by a licensed dentist and submitted prior to May 15 of the current school year. Dental exams must be completed within 18 months prior to the May 15 deadline.

9th grade requirements : school physical with up-to-date immunizations and dental exam form 12 th grade requirements : Two doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine, with the second dose administered on or after the child’s 16th birthday and at least 8 weeks after the first dose. The second dose is not necessary if the first dose is administered on or after the child’s 16th birthday.

New or Transfer students : school physical with up-to-date immunizations, dental exam and eye exam. School health requirements for grade level as noted above.

Medical/Religious Exemptions and Waivers: ● A waiver may be submitted in place of a dental or eye exam if the student’s parent/guardian shows an undue burden or lack of access to a physician, licensed optometrist, or dentist by completing the State of Illinois Examination waiver form.

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