PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL EVENTS For students to be eligible to compete or perform in an activity on that day, they must be in attendance no later than 11:15 a.m. Students will be allowed to participate in and attend any school activities on a non-school day following an absence if the absence was excused or was pre-arranged. SPECTATOR BUS Spectator buses to away games will be arranged by the Athletic Director. All fares for buses will be paid in advance to the main office. A student going to the game on a bus must return the same way. Chaperones will have complete control of seating arrangements and conduct of the students. The time of departure from PTHS will be announced. Buses will depart from the event immediately after its completion. ALL SPORTS MEETING There will be a mandatory meeting of the coaches, players, parent(s)/guardian(s) prior to the beginning of the school year. At this meeting the Athletic Director will go over the Athletic Code, Random Drug Testing policy, and other athletic policies and procedures with parents and athletes. SCHOOL SPIRIT AND RESPECT School spirit is defined as loyalty to the best traditions and ideals of the school and by an unwillingness to do anything that might prove injurious to the school’s name and character. Regardless of whether you are on the playing field or in the stands, you must constantly strive to be respectful representatives of PTHS. While you should want to win all competitions, being disrespectful to student-athletes or spectators will not be tolerated.

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