PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

she has committed the alleged violation(s) and he or she shall be subject to the appropriate consequence set forth in the Code for that violation.

EXCLUSION RIGHTS FOR REVIEW 1. A student athlete and parent have the right to request a review of the decision with the Athletic Director and Administration within 48 hours of the exclusion. 2. If unsatisfied with the first review, a student athlete and parents have a right to request a review with a Board appointed hearing officer no later than 48 hours after the decision. MODIFICATION OF ATHLETIC OR TEAM UNIFORM Students may modify their athletic or team uniform for the purpose of modesty in clothing or attire that is in accordance with the requirements of the student’s religion or the student’s cultural values or modesty preferences. If the modification results in the damaging of the athletic or team uniform, the student may be financially held responsible for replacement. STUDENT-ATHLETE CONCUSSIONS AND HEAD INJURIES Student-athletes must comply with Illinois’ Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act and all protocols, policies and bylaws of the Illinois High School Association before being allowed to participate in any athletic activity, including practice or competition. A student who was removed from practice or competition because of a suspected concussion shall be allowed to return only after all statutory prerequisites are completed, including without limitation, the School District’s return-to-play and return-to-learn protocols. PRACTICE ATTENDANCE Participants must attend all practice sessions, unless excused by the coach prior to any absence. If a practice session is missed unexcused, the athlete will not participate in the next contest. All student-athletes shall observe the curfew hours as well as the hours set up by the coach of the sport he/she is engaged. Any reported violation of curfew hours will be handled by the Coach and Athletic Director. The nature of the conduct shall determine the consequences of the violation. Consequences can range from a verbal reprimand to removal from PTHS activity/athletic participation. AUTHORITY FOR DECISIONS 1. Coaches may establish additional rules for their respective sports, including rules of conduct. These rules will be communicated verbally and in writing to the student-athletes and parents/guardians and will be on file in the Athletic Director’s office. 2. Final decisions will be made by the Athletic Director and Administration in all situations not specifically covered in the above training rules. CURFEW Curfew Hours: Sunday through Thursday--10 P.M. Friday and Saturday—11 P.M.

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