PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

and contests and follow all requirements for the sport successfully as set out by the coach for the entire season. Failure to complete in good standing will void any suspension served and the suspension will remain in effect as if no contests have already been served. SECOND OFFENSE : The student-athlete will be suspended for the remainder of the season in the current sport season or the first scheduled sport in which the athlete participates and the student athlete will forfeit letter and other awards along with banquet attendance and participation.

EACH ADDITIONAL OFFENSE : The student-athlete will be suspended from all IHSA athletic activities for one calendar year (365 days) from the date of the offense. NO SUSPENSIONS CAN OVERLAP

TRAINING RULE C The Athletic Director and Administration reserves the right to judge each disciplinary case involving a violation of Section II Rule C on an individual basis. It should be understood that each case possesses its own unique set of circumstances which prohibits it from comparison to any other case. The nature of the conduct shall determine the consequences of the violation. Consequences can range from a verbal reprimand to removal from PTHS activity/athletic participation. DETERMINATION OF SUSPENSION LENGTH Only regular season contests will be counted when determining suspension length. In assessing the penalty, if the number of regular season contests comes to a decimal point less than 0.5, the penalty will be rounded down. If the number of contests comes to a decimal point that is equal to or more than 0.5, the penalty will be rounded up. This also applies to carryover suspensions. COMBINATION OF TRAINING RULES VIOLATIONS Any combination of training rules violations will at minimum result in student-athletes being removed from their current participating sport for the remainder of the season. CARRYOVER SUSPENSIONS A suspension may go beyond the season in which the infraction occurs. The percentage of suspension remaining must be completed during the next season of participation and the athlete must finish the season with the carryover suspension in good standing. For example, if a student athlete had completed one-half (1/2) of the suspension at the end of the current season, one-half (1/2) of the suspension will carry over to the next athletic season he/she participates. STUDENT-ATHLETE DUTY TO COOPERATE PTHS will follow due process procedures and will not suspend a student athlete without evidence that a training rules violation has occurred. The Student Athlete has a duty to cooperate in the investigation of any alleged violations of the Athletic/Activity Code by the school administration, including but not limited to coaches, Athletic Director, Assistant Principal, and Principal. This duty shall include answering honestly any questions about alleged violations of the Code. If the investigation concerns violations by the Student Athlete, if he or she refuses to answer any question or otherwise refuses to cooperate, it shall be presumed that he or

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