Board Report September 2024

completed in a few weeks. Also, Mr. Graves reported that the Automotive Dept. floors have been redone and new drains have been added.

Risk Management Plan : Mr. Kilgore presented the Risk Management Plan. This helps lay out the guidelines for the use of our Tort Funds.

eLearning Plan: Mr. Kilgore reviewed the guidelines for using eLearning days this year.

Music Trip to Nashville, TN on March 20-23, 2025: This is a biennial music trip that our band and chorus students want to take over their Spring Break this year with board approval.

Principal Report: Mr. Bohm is recommending board approval for the required student handbook changes/additions that follow the IPA Model Student Handbook Guidelines. Also he presented the Bullying Prevention and Response Plan for Board approval. Furthermore, he reported that online registration has been very successful up to this point. Several parents that don’t have home computers were directed to come use computers that the school has provided for them to complete the registration process. Also, on August 21, 2024 we will be hosting our annual open house and family feast from 2:45-6:30pm. LACC Report: Mrs. Graves reported that the Fall Organization/Planning meeting are moving forward with area principals and faculty as we prepare for the upcoming year. They will also be meeting with students and parents from specific programs. First day of classes in ALCC is August 16 th . Grant applications for Fy25 have been submitted and approved.

Personnel Recommendations:

Leave of Absence:  Alex Ledford, Social Worker, Family Leave of Absence (returning October 28, 2024)

Resignations/Retirements:  Judy Baxter, Cafeteria-Retirement (Effective end of this school year)  Regan Reed, Paraprofessional- Resignation  Nathan Hayner, Paraprofessional-Resignation  Breanna Pulliam, Paraprofessional-Resignation  Caden Tjarks, Asst Football Coach- Resignation  Riley Armour, Cafeteria- Resignation

Personnel Hires: 

Fernando Daily, Asst Football Dawn Dewald, Paraprofessional

   

Kim Mauser, Cafeteria

Jeremy Haas, Ag/FFA Volunteer Michelle Haas, Ag/FFA Volunteer

Closed Session: Not Needed

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