Board Report September 2024


Call to Order, Pledge, and Roll Call: The Pontiac Township High School District No. 90 Board of Education held it regularly scheduled meeting in the Dr. Ronald J Yates Memorial Library at 7:00 pm. Mr. Schrock called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board Members Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, and Mrs. Ralph answered roll call. Also present were Administrators Jon Kilgore, Eric Bohm, Tera Graves and Board Secretary Kelly Carter. Don Lambert was not in attendance. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from our regularly scheduled board meeting on June 17, 2024 and Special Board Meeting on June 28 rd and Special Board Meeting on July 23 th were all approved. Motion by Mr. Heller and seconded by Mrs. Ralph. Motion passed on a voice vote. Approval of Bills & Requisitions: A motion was made by Mr. Masching and seconded by Mrs. Diemer to approve the High School and LACC Finance Reports; the High School, OM and LACC bills, the High School and LACC SBAA Activity Reports and Cafeteria Reports. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Heller, Mrs. Ralph, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer and Mr. Sartoris all voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion passed. Recognition of Guests: Mr. Blair, Elizabeth Hatfield, and Rachel Erschen, Teachers that were part of the new Fresh Start Program which is a social development course for incoming Freshman and also for the new Math Essentials Course which is predominantly for Freshman & Sophomore students. They teachers had a lot of positive feedback with the outcome and feel it will help these students going forward.

Communications: None.

Public Comment: None.

Board Business: Financial Report: Mr. Kilgore touched base on the Audits that were completed in July. Everything went smoothly and the Auditor is tentatively scheduled for our October BOE meeting to present. There was no cash flow for August yet as the school year just started. PTHS FY25 Tentative Budget and Fund Balance Report: Mr. Kilgore presented a tentative budget report that included all fund balances through June 30, 2024 as well as projected fund balances through June 30, 2025.

LACC FY25 Tentative Budget Report: Mrs. Graves presented a balanced budget for Fy25.

Building and Grounds Update : Mr. Kilgore discussed several projects from this summer that have been completed and or close to being completed as follows: Library Windows have been replaced, Bus Barn has been painted, Greenhouse Project is near completion, New phone system will be live when school starts, Weight Room project is in the works, hoping it will be

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