2020-2021 Back to School Plan
2. Full-Time Remote Learning : Students will be enrolled in PTHS District 90 and will have access to their learning through Apex Learning software, which has been purchased by the district. This option will be made available through the PTHS on-line registration process. Regardless of where a student learns, daily attendance will be taken, classes will have firm expectations for learning, new curriculum will be covered, all District 90 policies will be adhered to during the school day, and class sizes will be kept as small as possible. The first week of school will focus heavily on building relationships, social-emotional learning and best practices in health and safety.. ● Families will have from July 27 - August 10 to decide which learning environment to choose for the fall semester. Families that wish to use Remote Learning for their student must go through the online registration process and opt-in to the Remote Learning section. ● This decision will be final for the fall semester so the district can staff accordingly. Only under very rare circumstances will students be able to move from one learning environment to the other. ● In the case of an outbreak, in-person students will be moved to a remote learning environment with their current teachers. Hybrid Learning Students will have their day modified to reduce exposure to other students and safety of our staff. The first day of school will be August 17 for freshmen, August 18 for students in the Orange group, and August 19 for students placed into the Blue group. During most weeks, the school day will begin at 7:55 am and end at 2:50 pm on Mondays and 2:35 pm Tuesdays through Fridays. Students will be assigned a schedule that will outline their school day. On select Mondays, students will attend school in either the morning or afternoon, based upon the group they have been assigned. During this time period, teachers will monitor the progress of the students, answer any questions students may have, discuss the week ahead, and check on the social-emotional well-being of the students. ● Daily schedules will be modified and class periods will be 80 minutes long. Passing periods will be extended so students can follow one-way traffic patterns in hallways. ● Students will have minimal access to lockers. ● Lunch will be in a variety of areas which may include the Commons, Gymnasium Balcony, and Auditorium Balcony. Due to the additional time needed to get students through the lunchline, each lunch period will last 35 minutes. Entering the Building All students must enter through the Commons doors. Doors will be opened at 7:30am every morning. Please be advised students must properly wear a mask while entering the building. Prior to entering the building, students must allow for their temperature to be taken so school personnel (utilizing a
We are committed to our development as adaptive learners, global thinkers, and responsible citizens through collaboration across our school community.
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