2020-2021 Back to School Plan
● The school building will be deep-cleaned and disinfected every night. Each classroom will be equipped with cleaning supplies to spot clean high-traffic areas throughout the day. ● If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, District 90 will work in cooperation with the Livingston County Health Department and Illinois Department of Public Health to determine appropriate measures. Food Service District 90 will continue to provide breakfast and lunch with a modified menu. The district will provide balanced meals to include meat, meat alternatives, grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk. ● Meals will be served either in the classroom or a designated area in the school with no more than 50 people present at a time. ● Once students have selected a seat in one of the various spaces, they will be required to sit at that seat for the remainder of the semester. Lunch supervisors will have a seating chart to assist with contact tracing in the event a PTHS student were to test positive for COVID-19. ● At the end of each day, meals will be available for students to “grab and go” to ensure they have enough food to eat during their scheduled remote learning days. ● As always, students may bring their own lunch from home, however food deliveries will not be accepted. Transportation Busing will continue to be provided for all qualifying students, with safety modifications in place. ● Bus routes will be modified to keep the number of riders, monitors, and drivers at no more than 50 per bus. ● All people on the bus, including students, bus monitors, and drivers will be required to wear a face mask while on the bus. ● Each bus driver and monitor will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms every day. ● Every bus will be disinfected between uses. Teaching and Learning - Options For the upcoming school year, District 90 will offer families two options for the first semester of classes (August 18 - December 18) for students in grades 9-12: 1. Hybrid Learning : The student body will be divided into two groups (Orange and Blue) and students will attend school on their assigned days. The Orange group will consist of students with last names that begin with the letters A - J. The Blue group will consist of students who have last names that begin with the letters K - Z. When students are not physically in the building, they will be working through the curriculum remotely. In some limited cases for special programming or circumstances, it might be necessary for us to reassign students to another group.
We are committed to our development as adaptive learners, global thinkers, and responsible citizens through collaboration across our school community.
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