2020-2021 Back to School Plan
As an overview, we are presenting a return to school plan whereby: ● In person classes will be held 5 days a week using an alternating, hybrid schedule. Most students will attend 3 of the 5 days with the other times being remote ● Approximately half of the student enrollment will be in the building at a given time until further notice as many of our classrooms are too small to meet the distancing expectations ● Most Mondays are a split enrollment day (AM/PM) to allow each student and teacher to briefly meet in person for every class to distribute learning materials, articulate the week’s remote learning expectations and answer questions ● Most Tuesdays through Fridays will be alternating block days (Odd period classes Tue/Wed and Even period classes on Thur/Fri) with 10 minute passing periods to allow students to take a supervised break outdoors, weather permitting, and classrooms to be disinfected between classes ● An everyday remote learning option will be considered upon request to be determined on a case by case basis utilizing our APEX Learning on-line course catalog. Maintaining a Healthy Environment While the health and safety of students and staff has always been our top priority in District 90, the current circumstances call for increased safety measures to provide a healthy learning environment. District 90 is following guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ● Face masks must be properly worn by all individuals in the school building and on buses. Students are asked to bring their own mask to school, but the district will also have extra available. Masks can be removed for eating, playing instruments, during designated outdoor breaks, and when outdoors while maintaining 6-feet of distance from others. Alternatives to traditional masks will be considered on a case-by-case basis or with a doctor’s note. ● District 90 views masks no differently than other health related mandates like shoes, shirts, or pants. We know this is a new expectation and view this as a learning experience, not a disciplinary one. Refusal to wear a mask in the building will lead to the student being redirected and then sent home if refusal occurs. Repeated refusal will lead to the student being placed into the Full-Time Remote Learning program. ● A social distance of 6 feet must be observed in school as much as possible. Classroom seating will be modified and excess items will be removed from rooms to allow for extra spacing. ● Prior to entering PTHS, students will have their temperature screened to make sure they do not have a fever. Any student with a temperature of 100.0 or above will be referred to the Student Health Center for additional screening. ● Outside visitors will have very limited access to District 90 property. Visitors must self-certify their health, have their temperature taken, wear a mask, and make an appointment before entering the building.
We are committed to our development as adaptive learners, global thinkers, and responsible citizens through collaboration across our school community.
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