2020-2021 Back to School Plan
no-touch thermometer) can certify each student does not have a fever. In addition, students must certify they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms. Leaving the Building All students must exit the building when the dismissal bell sounds. Students will not be allowed to loiter inside the building or out in front of the Commons. This is being done so school personnel can begin to properly sanitize the school building and teachers can work with students who are learning remotely for the day. Students who violate this policy will be asked to leave. If the behavior continues, the student will be found insubordinate and may be required to change to full-time remote learning. Full-Time Remote Learning Students who choose this option will be assigned courses through Apex Learning and will not receive academic support by core area PTHS teachers. The first day of school will be August 18 for all students. ● Students will be assigned a remote learning facilitator that will monitor learning activities through the Apex Learning online platform. A student will receive a schedule that includes core area subjects and select electives. ● As long as students make appropriate daily progress in the coursework, they will be counted as being present during the school day. Students who do not make daily progress will be considered absent and may eventually be considered truant and referred to the Truancy Officer. ● Students will be expected to complete assignments and assessments in the same timeframe as if they were engaged in in-person learning. The semester ends on December 18. ● Grades will be reported as either “Pass” or “Fail” and will not count towards a student’s overall GPA. ● All remote learners will receive a school-issued netbook. Points to consider before you opt-in to full-time remote learning: 1. Remote learning will require guidance and support from guardians. Training will be offered to assist families. 2. Content for remote learning will be aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards and will be provided through the Apex Learning platform. Not all District 90 courses will be available through Apex Learning. No LACC courses are available through Apex Learning. 3. Apex Learning courses offered through District 90 do not fulfill the requirements of the NCAA, so students will not receive credit for them if they plan to play athletics in college. 4. Families are expected to provide a learning space that includes reliable internet access. Once a student has been enrolled in full-time remote learning, families can apply for assistance with technology hardware such as HotSpots in order to meet the internet requirements.
We are committed to our development as adaptive learners, global thinkers, and responsible citizens through collaboration across our school community.
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