The CHIEF October 2022
Key Club Update By: Vanessa Kapper
On September 14, the fellow FFA members and officers together held another FFA chapter meeting. During the meeting we started off with new business that will be occurring in this month of October. After the new and past business was adjourned, we had special guests join us for our night. Our FFA state President was greeted as well as the Section 9 President and Vice President. After the meeting, the members played bracket games of corn hole (bags) to finish off the night along with our well-loved square dancing routines! Two of the major events that will be held are the next chapter meeting that will be held on the12th and the FFA National Convention the week of the 25th-28th. At the next meeting, our fellow FFA officers will be making all kinds of food dips for other members to try as competition for who has the best! There will also be pumpkin painting as the night's activity along with board games.The time for the meeting will be at 6:30. Pontiac Key Club has already started off on an amazing note this school year. Key Club is an international, student-led high school organization dedicated to serving both their school and community. For this school year, Key Club was asked to help out with volleyball concessions and student members have already done an amazing job taking time out of their free time to serve their school. The Pontiac Key Club executive board has done some exciting work as well. On September 8th, the new board presented themselves as they had lunch with Kiwanis Club (the adult version of Key Club). Two of our board members, Vanessa Kapper and Christopher Corrigan, had the amazing opportunity to go to the International Key Club Convention at Washington D.C this past summer. Vanessa was excited to present some of her incredible experiences at ICON to Kiwanis Club. Goals of Key Club this year were also announced which are the following: Win awards at the District Convention, get Key Club Instagram presence back on social media, and coordinate at least two inter-club events. Pontiac Key Club is inspired and optimistic to living up to their goals this school year. By: Addisyn McKinney FFA Update
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