PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

Any person who engages in prohibited conduct may be ejected from or denied admission to school property in accordance with State law. The person may also be subject to being denied admission to school athletic or extracurricular events for up to one calendar year. SCHOOL VISITATION RIGHTS The School Visitation Rights Act permits employed parents/guardians, who are unable to meet with educators because of a work conflict, the right to time off from work under certain conditions to attend necessary school functions such as parent-teacher conferences. Letters verifying participation in this program are available from the school office upon request. TRESPASS All people entering the building are required to immediately report to the main office. Any individual who does not follow this procedure will be considered trespassing. Charges may be issued against any violator of this procedure. All visitors are asked to wear a visitor pass to acknowledge their approved visit. Teachers and other employees may request any person entering the high school or the grounds which are owned or leased by the Board and used for school purposes and activities to identify himself and the purpose of his entry. If the person refuses to provide proper identification he/she will be viewed as trespassing and the local police will be contacted. A person who enters the building or who is on school grounds without permission may be looked upon as trespassing. The police will be contacted and charges may be pursued. Trespass may also include school grounds during any time students are involved in a normal day of attendance. SEX OFFENDER NOTIFICATION LAW State law prohibits a convicted child sex offender from being present on school property when children under the age of 18 are present, except for in the following circumstances as they relate to the individual’s child(ren): 1. To attend a conference at the school with school personnel to discuss the progress of their child. 2. To participate in a conference in which evaluation and placement decisions may be made with respect to their child’s special education services. 3. To attend conferences to discuss issues concerning their child such as retention or promotion.

In all other cases, convicted child sex offenders are prohibited from being present on school property unless they obtain written permission from the superintendent or school board.

Anytime that a convicted child sex offender is present on school property – including the three reasons above - he/she is responsible for notifying the principal's office upon arrival on school property and upon departure from school property. It is the responsibility of the convicted child sex offender to remain under the direct supervision of a school official at all times he/she is in the presence or vicinity of children.

A violation of this law is a Class 4 felony.

Information about sex offenders or violent offenders against youth is available to the public on the Illinois State Police (ISP) website. The ISP website contains the following:

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