PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

Section 6 – General Rules and Guidelines Appearance and Dress Guidelines Care of School Property Computer/Network/Internet Use Policy Student Use of Electronic Devices

Internet Safety Internet Threats Student Lockers Gym Bags/Carryalls/Book Bags/Purses Searches Access to Student Social Networking Passwords and Websites Cafeteria Rules Academic Learning Centers Student Assemblies Auto Regulations Parking Lot Loitering Bus Transportation Field Trips Dance Regulations Guidelines for School Sponsored Publications, Productions, and Websites Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications Non-School Sponsored Publications Accessed and Distributed On Campus Visitor’s Permits School Visitation Rights Trespass Sex Offender Notification Law Violent Offender Community Notification

Section 7 – Co-Curricular Activities School Clubs and Organizations Activity Schedule Interscholastic Athletics PTHS Athletic/Activity Code Rules in Effect Random Drug Testing

Medical/Insurance Forms Supervised Study Program Travel Academic Eligibility Requirements Training Rules

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