PTHS Student Handbook 2024-2025

EARLY DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Students who need to leave the building for a doctor, dental, court, or other valid appointment must call or present a written request from their parent/guardian to the main office before school or during a passing period. All requests for early dismissal must be approved by the administration.

Once the request is approved the student will receive an Early Dismissal Pass to present to the teacher and the main office when it is time to leave the building.

When leaving the building the student must sign-out in the main office. When returning to the building, the student must sign back in at the main office and may be asked to present a written statement verifying the appointment. ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL EVENTS For students to be eligible to compete or perform in an activity on that day, they must be in attendance no later than 11:15 a.m. Students will be allowed to participate in and attend any school activities on a non-school day following an absence if the absence was excused or was pre-arranged. Students with special circumstances, other than illness, will be considered for participation only with prior administrative approval. ATTENDANCE POLICY FOR STUDENTS ATTENDING THE LIVINGSTON AREA CAREER CENTER Pontiac Township High School pays approximately $1,520 per class for each student to attend the LACC. Due to this large tuition payment made by PTHS, there are strict attendance requirements for students who attend the LACC. Students may have no more than five total absences during the first semester. Students that acquire their sixth absence in the first semester will be dropped from the program, receive no credit, and will not be admitted back into the program for the second semester and may not be allowed to enroll the following year. Students that acquire their tenth absence in the second semester will be dropped from the program, receive no credit, and may not be eligible to attend the LACC the following year. Exceptions to this policy will be made by the Administration on a case by case basis and may include situations such as long-term illness, family emergencies, absence due to attending school sponsored activities, etc. ILLNESS AT SCHOOL Any student becoming ill during school is to report to the Health Center. A consent form must be on file with the Health Clinic in order for a student to be seen. These forms are provided at registration, but extras are available in the main office or Health Center. Students must sign out in the main office before they leave school. Students who are ill will not be allowed to go home without parent permission. Students will wait in the Health Center until contact with a parent/guardian is made and permission to leave school is given. PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE PROCEDURE 1. The parent should call the school or have the student provide a written explanation to the office at least 5 school days prior to the absence. The student will be given a pre-arranged absence sheet to be signed by teachers. 2. A reason for the absence will be stated on the pre-arranged absence sheet. 3. The student is to obtain all homework assignments and have teachers’ signatures on the sheet.

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