PTHS Student Handbook 2020-2021


12. Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than the regular bus stop; the driver is not permitted to do this except by the proper authorization from a school official. 13. No eating or drinking beverages. 14. Students may be suspended from riding the bus by the decision of an administrator. 15. The loading procedures for weight distribution will be utilized. Seats will be assigned as per school policy. (On some occasions you will be allowed to sit one person per seat.) This will be one student per seat from the front of the bus to the wheel wells. 16. No talking at railroad crossings. 17. No yelling or screaming. 18. No horseplay. 19. No throwing objects. 20. Students riding buses to activities are expected to return on the bus. Parents are to notify the coach if they wish to take their student home from the event. If parents want their student to ride home with another parent or family member, they need to contact the Athletic Director. 21. If a student does not ride on two consecutive days, the parent will be responsible for contacting the transportation office prior to next pick up date. 22. Students waiting at bus stops are expected to behave in such a manner that does not threaten the safety of other students. The list of regulations is not complete. The driver/sponsor or coach is in charge of the bus at all times and shall use good judgment in issuing any other orders. Students are expected to give prompt support. Seating on Extra-Curricular Trips Where student numbers do not exceed the number of individual students who can be seated (one to a seat) from the front seats to the rear wheel wells, (generally not over 16 students), the students may be seated one person per seat. The students will maintain a forward seating position. If the number of students exceeds the number and procedure described as above, they will then be seated two to a seat from front to rear. SPECTATOR BUS Spectator buses to away football and basketball games will be arranged by the office. All fares for buses will be paid in advance to the main office. A student going to the game on a bus must return the same way. Chaperones will have complete control of seating arrangements and conduct of the students. The time of departure from Pontiac will be announced. Buses will depart from the game immediately after its completion. CAFETERIA RULES 1. All students are required to remain at school during their lunch period. 2. All eating shall be confined to the cafeteria Commons area. Students may select hot lunch or a la carte. Sack lunches are permissible, but must be eaten in the Commons. 3. All funds must be deposited prior to the start of first period. The only exception will be co-op students who arrive after their morning work schedule. 4. No charging of meals. 5. Since classes are in session, students are required to pass to the cafeteria in an orderly fashion. Students are not allowed to leave the Commons area during their lunch period, unless given permission by a supervisor. 6. Various class groups will be assigned places in the lunch line. They will keep their respective places during the week and work their way to the front of the line. 7. Students shall return trays, dirty dishes, etc. to the window opening into the kitchen. 8. Any accident or dish breakage should be reported to the cafeteria workers. Students are expected to assist in helping to clean up and keep the cafeteria presentable. 9. No student or group of students are permitted to order or have food delivered to the school. Only home-made sack lunches from parents are permissible. 10. Weather permitting, students may be allowed out on the concrete plaza area in front of the commons area doors. Any student caught off of the plaza area without permission may be assigned disciplinary consequences. 11. Throwing food or tableware will not be tolerated.

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