PTHS Student Handbook 2020-2021
SCHOOL WORK MAKE-UP PROCEDURE 1. Homework will be collected only upon request. Requests should be made directly to the teacher. Often homework assignments can be transmitted electronically. 2. Parent requests for homework must be made prior to 9:30 a.m. if it is to be picked up after school. After this time, it will be available the next school day. 3. All make-up work is the responsibility of the student. Excused Absence - Upon returning to class, students will have at least the same number of days as they were absent to turn in the missed school work unless arrangements have been made with the individual teacher. Students will not be expected to take a test the day they return to school if a full day or more was missed (e.g. Two days missed, 2 days to complete and turn in missed assignments after the initial day the student returns to school or make arrangements with their teachers.). Equitable alternatives will be provided to students when grades are taken on the day of an excused absence for participatory activities. No numeric grades shall be recorded in a manner that penalizes students during the excused make up days. Pre-Arranged Absences - (including field trips, vacations, sporting events, college visits, orthodontists and doctors appointments, court appearances, etc.). All homework assignments are due when the student returns to class unless prior arrangements have been made with the individual teacher(s). No numeric grades shall be recorded in a manner that penalizes students during the excused make up days. Unexcused Absence or Truant - Work assigned the day of the absence will be due the day the student returns to school or when arranged with the teacher. Suspension - Students who are suspended from school will be expected to turn in assigned work the first day they return to school following the suspension. The student will receive full credit for the work turned in. If a test was announced prior to the suspension, he/she will be expected to complete the test on the first day back unless other arrangements have been made with the individual teachers. If a test was assigned during the suspension, the student will need to make arrangements with the teacher.
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