PTHS Student Handbook 2020-2021
All services are confidential. Medication: All medications are to be kept locked at the Student Health Center and will be dispensed by the Nurse Practitioner or an R.N. Those students with prescribed inhalers or Epi-Pens are strongly encouraged to keep those medications with them. The purpose of administering medications in school is to help each child maintain an optimal state of health that may enhance his/her educational plan. The medications distributed shall be those required during school hours for students with acute or chronic illnesses or disabilities. The guidelines outlined below are to help reduce the number of medications given in school, yet ensure safe administration of medications for those students who require them. Administration of all student medications will be handled through the Student Health Center Office. ALL student medication must be accompanied by a Student Health Center signed consent form. Failure to present all of the appropriate paper work will result in no medication being distributed to the student until the proper paperwork is received. ALL medication must be brought to school in the original package or an appropriately labeled container, displaying the following: • Student’s name • Prescription number • Medication Name/Dosage • Administration route and/or other directions • Date and refill • Licensed prescriber’s name • Pharmacy name, address, and phone number • Name or initials of pharmacist Prescription medication found in a student’s locker or on the student’s person will be considered in violation of the school’s regulations concerning drugs and will be confiscated, excluding inhalers and Epi-Pens. Over the counter medications (OTC) will be distributed only through the Student Health Center with parental consent. Students will be responsible at the end of the treatment regime for removing any unused medication from the school. If the medication is not picked up by the end of the school year, it will be disposed of and documented that the medications were discarded. Medications will be discarded in the presence of a witness. IMMUNIZATION, HEALTH, EYE, AND DENTAL EXAMINATIONS Required Health Examinations and Immunizations All students are required to present appropriate proof of a health examination and the immunizations against, and screenings for, preventable communicable diseases within one year prior to: 1. Entering in ninth grade (physical and immunizations) 2. Entering into 12 th grade (proof of menactra vaccine) 3. Enrolling in an Illinois school for the first time, regardless of the student’s grade. Failure to comply with the above requirements at the time of registration will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms and/or immunizations are presented to the school, subject to certain exceptions. Eye Examination All students entering an Illinois school for the first time must present proof by October 15 of the current school year of an eye examination performed within one year. Failure to present proof by October 15, allows the school to hold the student’s report card until the student presents: (1) proof of a completed eye examination, or (2) that an eye examination will take place within 60 days after
October 15. Exemptions A student will be exempted from the above requirements for:
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