P2D2 Summit - February 16, 2018
The Make it Yours P2D2 2018 Youth Summit Agenda The International Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal Program Pontiac Township High School Pontiac, Illinois
8:30-9:10 Opening Ceremony remarks (auditorium)
9:10-10:20 Keynote Danni Washington
10:20 - Break
10:25 -1 session room132
10:55 - Break
11:00 - 2 session room 134
11:30 - Lunch (Provided by the Livingston Area Career Center Culinary Students)
12:30 - 3 session room 136
1:00 - Break
1:05 - 4 session room 137
1:35 - Break
1:30 - 5 session room 139
2:00 - Break
2:05 - Come together brainstorming guided by Cook County Sheriff’s Prescription Drug Take Back Program. (PTHS auditorium)
3:35 - Return to community and change the world.
Sessions 1. Testing for pharmaceuticals in your local water (educators are the PTHS earth science students). 2. Connecting with government officials (educators are the PTHS civics students) 3. Creating public service announcements (educators are the PTHS AP music theory and English students) 4. Discussing safe passage, amnesty and opioids (educators are the Livingston Area Career Center law enforcement students) 5. Making community connections with doctors, pharmacies and more (educators are the PTHS english and environmental earth students)
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