P2D2 Summit - February 16, 2018

PTHS will host the P2D2 Students Can Change the World Pharmaceutical/Opioid Summit on February 16th.  This summit will be a one day series of workshops held by PTHS student for students of Illinois.  The goal is to engage and enable local youth to make an impact in their local community with regards to the unused medication and opioid epidemic. The summit coordinators are seeking 2 student representatives from each in Illinois. 

Students Can Change the World Pharmaceutical / Opioid Summit

Featuring Danni Washington host

of the critically acclaimed tv series Xploration Nature

Your school is cordially invited to select two student representatives to attend the Pontiac Township High School, Cook County Sheriff’s Office, and Illinois Sheriff’s Association Annual “Students Can Change the World Pharmaceutical / Opioid Summit” held at Pontiac Township High School in Pontiac, Illinois. This summit will be a one day series of workshops held by PTHS students for students of Illinois. The goal is to engage and enable local youth to make an impact in their local community with regards to the unused medication and opioid epidemic. Workshops to include: 1. Testing for pharmaceuticals in your local water (educators are the PTHS earth science students). 2. Connecting with government officials (educators are the PTHS civics students) 3. Creating public service announcements (educators are the PTHS AP music theory and English students) 4. Discussing safe passage, amnesty and opioids (educators are the Livingston Area Career Center law enforcement students) 5. Making community connections with doctors, pharmacies and more (educators are the PTHS english and environmental earth students)

* Lunch provided by the PTHS Culinary Arts Students.

Who : Any student that you feel can make a difference in your county to reduce the impact of unused medication / opioids.

What : “Students Can Change the World Pharmaceutical / Opioid Summit”

When : February 16, from 8:30am-3:30pm

Where : Pontiac Township High School, 1100 E. Indiana Ave, Pontiac, IL, 61764

Why : Students are the future of this world and have the power to change it. Students attending this will have the chance to work with the PTHS students, world famous eco-Warrior Danni Washington (https://www.danniwashington.com), the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, the Illinois Sheriff’s Association, and our state government officials to make a difference in their community. Please RSVP by February 2, 2018 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8MD8Pcgxj91IOS2ZwnUKKb7x6FvnZ4vA Xh565lPW19L7hzw/viewform?usp=sf_link OR Paul Ritter at pritter@pontiac90.org 815-844-6113 ext 273

Danni Washington https://www.danniwashington.com


The Make it Yours P2D2 2018 Youth Summit Agenda The International Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal Program Pontiac Township High School Pontiac, Illinois

8:30-9:10 Opening Ceremony remarks (auditorium)

9:10-10:20 Keynote Danni Washington

10:20 - Break

10:25 -1 session room132

10:55 - Break

11:00 - 2 session room 134

11:30 - Lunch (Provided by the Livingston Area Career Center Culinary Students)

12:30 - 3 session room 136

1:00 - Break

1:05 - 4 session room 137

1:35 - Break

1:30 - 5 session room 139

2:00 - Break

2:05 - Come together brainstorming guided by Cook County Sheriff’s Prescription Drug Take Back Program. (PTHS auditorium)

3:35 - Return to community and change the world.

Sessions 1. Testing for pharmaceuticals in your local water (educators are the PTHS earth science students). 2. Connecting with government officials (educators are the PTHS civics students) 3. Creating public service announcements (educators are the PTHS AP music theory and English students) 4. Discussing safe passage, amnesty and opioids (educators are the Livingston Area Career Center law enforcement students) 5. Making community connections with doctors, pharmacies and more (educators are the PTHS english and environmental earth students)

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