The CHIEF October 2016

2 0 1 6 P T H S H O M E C O M I N G


By She l by J enn i ng s

    Homecoming week has officially come to an end, but I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy it. The week kicked off with a great win by the junior class ladies in Powder Puff football and a senior win for hall decorating during Sunday. The senior class also took home the win for the best float in Friday’s parade. Even if you didn’t attend the dance, I hope you enjoyed the pep rally or the football game. I loved seeing so many people participate in all of the festivities during the week, either dressing up for the spirit days or attending one of the pack-the-place sporting events! Thank you to everyone who participated, helped, and supported us throughout that week. Homecoming would not be possible without the help and spirit of everyone.     Even though homecoming is over, there are still more things to look forward to … watch out for an upcoming male Buff Puff volleyball game, a new tradition started here at PTHS!

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