The CHIEF October 2016
What's your favorite part of Homecoming?
Kevin Turner
"Duplicate Day we all wore our pug shirts."
Indian Pride: Hall Decorating Edition
Continuing the tradition of kicking off Home coming week, 75 students from each of the grade levels came to school on a Sunday morning to decorate their hallways, which is the biggest number of students in the past decade. "This year, we were really able to be creative and have fun together as students!" said Student Council Treasurer Grace Watson. "It was great to see everybody come together to decorate the hallways!" While every hallway in the school looked great, there had to be a winner. This year, the Seniors took first place with their "Under the Sea" theme, leading walkers from the beach all the way to the deep sea. Every year, students get a little more creative, and it's never too late to start thinking about next year!
Halee Anglin
"The Senior Football players' dance!"
Kai Poshard
"Walking with the Freshman float in the parade"
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