The CHIEF November 2020
The month of November brings us Key Club week! It is a week where each day talks about the benefit of service. The first day is about representing, the second about appreciation, the third is about sharing, the fourth is about random acts of kindness, and the fifth is about connecting the Key Club to Kiwanis and Builders Club. The Pontiac Key Club has been as strong as ever this year, attending the virtual officer Fall Leadership Rally in September and selling wreaths for fundraising. In October there was a Cemetery Walk that members helped to participate in by leading the tours around the cemetery. This month, Megan Henkel was the spotlight member for the 22 North Key Club District! Scholastic Bowl had its first practice of the year as the team prepares for its upcoming competitive schedule. The team is still looking for new freshmen and sophomores to join the JV squad. Practices will be Wednesdays after school in Mr. McElwee's room (Room 132). Any interested students should speak to Mr. McElwee to learn more about Scholastic Bowl, or can stop by a practice to see what it is about. Scholastic Bowl Update B y J a s m i n e W h i t e Key Club Week B y A v a N o l l e n While the school has adapted and continued to function through the Covid-19 pandemic, the PTHS Student Council has risen to the occasion by continuing to meet and do their best to better the student body. The usual schedule of planning dances and student events has come to a stop; however, the Student Council has kept busy with new Covid-19 safe- projects. Most notably, they have started a school news broadcasting show called “The Pontiac Perspective.” The show has many different segments, including: sport’s updates, music news, current events, words of encouragement, and different school functions that may be happening that week. New ideas are constantly shuffled through the show, ensuring that no two broadcasts are alike while also keeping the show interesting. You can always expect something funny to come out of the weekly edition. Creating fun, beneficial, and safe student activities is especially difficult this year but the Student Council has definitely shown that they’re up for the challenge. Student Council Update B y C a l l i e D a l t o n
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