The CHIEF November 2020
Music Update
As the temperature begins to drop, the band has moved their rehearsals inside and ceased their Tuesday night practices. While the marching season this year is not how anyone would have wanted it to play out, Marching Band still progressed and worked on many songs that are seasonally played. Students worked on pieces such as “Robin Hood” and the “Color Song,” whether it being just familiarizing oneself with the piece or polishing up on the songs mentioned and others. Right now, the Band is now working on playing a new arrangement of “Salute to the Armed Forces” in hopes to have a recording done of their work to show off. Moving on from the band as a whole, a few outstanding students within the Band should be recognized for being selected for this year's ILMEA Senior Band and or Orchestra. These students include Mallory Dennis in Orchestra for flute, Joseph Gilmor in Band for tuba, Sam Kelly in Band for percussion, and Danielle Schrock in Orchestra for violin. Another achievement was also earned by Mallory Dennis by earning the highest audition score for her instrument in District 3. Not only have these students done well, but all of the students participating in Band at the high school have been putting effort into music during unforeseen times. For now, everyone involved in the Band program looks to be flexible in order to continue playing and enjoying music. By: Alyssa Rodriguez Band Update Preparations are well underway for this year’s Madrigals. While the format may look a little different, these diligent performers are finding new ways to still show off all of the hard work they’ve been doing this year. While they might not be able to sing the songs in front of you, they are singing the songs to record them. A CD is in the works with the Madrigals singing classic Christmas carols and Madrigal tunes. It is still unknown when the CD will be released or the price, but the Madrigal singers are hard at work. Another way you can come and support the students is by visiting the tree lighting ceremony downtown on December 4th, where the Madrigal Singers will be having a (socially distanced) concert on the Square! More information is still to come about these performances and the CD release, but the performers are all very excited to show off all their hard work. 2020 Madrigals By: Conrad Skrypiec
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