The CHIEF December 2017
Read about who has been named the first recipients of PTHS' Athlete of the Month! PTHS ATHLETES OF THE MONTH
Check out which PTHS seniors are this month's Upperclass Acts!
table of contents
03 Editor ' s Note
04 NewTeacher Interview
05 Clubs Update
05 Sports Update
07 Author Visits PTHS
08 Upperclass Acts
12 Student Poetry
These wrap-up’s are meant to help boost your grade before report cards are sent out, so try not to stress too much! With that being said, it is still important to take the time do study and do your best. Try not to get caught up in all the excitement of the holiday cheer and stay focused. I wish everybody luck this month and a Happy Holidays from everyone here at the The Chief !
By Kamr y n Moo r e
We are officially in the final stretch: three and a half weeks until Christmas Break! While November was exciting due to have a five day “weekend,” it’s now the time to crack down and open up those books. With the excitement of the fast approaching Winter Break, there’s also the fear of the semester wrap-up’s.
Sincerely, Kamryn Moore Editor-in-Chief
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What was your favorite moment
New Teacher
from first semester?
Henry Woodburn
By Joseph Gilmor
What a joy it was to interview Mr. Alexander Pantazi, one of the latest additions to the teaching staff here at PTHS! When I first met Mr. Pantazi, the new Assistant Band Director, I knew learning under him would be a unique experience. He was hired this summer as a replacement for Mr. Corey Brown, and has certainly been kept busy organizing Marching Band events, supervising students in study hall, and, of course, teaching members of the Concert Band. Currently, he is preparing students for the upcoming Madrigal Dinner. Mr. Pantazi began his foray into music in fifth grade when he learned to play the saxophone, and has loved every bit of it since. Mr. Pantazi was very involved with his high school, participating in many extracurricular activities, such as Chorus, Vocal Jazz, Cross Country, not to mention Band and Jazz Band. High school is also where Mr. Pantazi recognized his passion for teaching music, as he loved helping others and bringing groups together. After graduating from high school, Mr. Pantazi went on to major in Music Education at Illinois State University. He thoroughly enjoyed his time at ISU, and applauds the university, specifically its music program, for its excellent student to teacher relationships. Mr. Pantazi worked closely with his music professors and was able to learn a great deal of knowledge regarding music. He seems to have found his niche here at PTHS, and while it may prove to be stressful at times, he seems to love working with his students.
"Winning the Olympia Scholastic Bowl meet. Our team has never done this!"
Justin Gierich
"Starting my internship for Early Childhood Education at Heartland Headstart."
Alden Rutledge
"Being in the football Student Section"
Clubs Update
National FFA Convention By Leslie Babbs
“I can, we will,” is the theme for this year’s National FFA Convention. Our FFA chapter was competing for Premier Chapter for Building Communities and received the Three Star Chapter Award. Jenna Leonard, Anna Landstrom, and Kyle Tucker earned their American Degree. The convention took place on October 25th, 2017 at Indianapolis, Indiana. While Pontiac FFA was there, we went to see Rascal Flatts in concert. Also, we went to watch CDEs take place for the finals. In early November, four upper-level art students had the privilege to paint an Indian head at the junior high. Megan Masching, Ashton Melchers, Josie Noonan, and myself spent seven hours painting on a wall near the school’s entrance. The main purpose of painting the Indian head was to display school spirit and inspire younger kids to appreciate art. While painting, we were quick to discover that we truly did make a difference; all comments said were positive throughout the day. The kids appeared to be extremely excited and interested in the work we were doing, and it clearly intrigued them to watch the process as they passed us during their breaks. Overall, it was a great experience and a reminder to me and my peers that art holds great meaning and our artwork can make another person’s day. (And of course, we couldn’t have done this without our brilliant art teacher, Mr. Vogt, so props to him!) Painting an Indian Head at PJHS By Rebecca True
The poster has unique graphics in the background every month which makes it look fully professional and unique for that particular athlete. Two athletes get selected a month: a male and a female. The first two selected athletes were Jacob Grieff and Mackenzi Mies for Varsity Football and Varsity Girls Swimming respectively. The newest two athletes are Ali Schrock and Griffin Nyi, both on Varsity golf. Griffin Nyi earned his spot as athlete of the month with his consistent outstanding performances on the Varsity golf team and Ali Schrock earned hers by bringing home a state title for girl’s golf. The athlete of the month gives student athletes here at PTHS a goal to strive which, in the end, will inspire them to elevate the character and attitude of all athletic programs in our school. N O M A D I C | 2 4
By C l a y t on M i l l e r
Something new has started recently around PTHS to commemorate athletes who show character, sportsmanship, leadership, and skill on their chosen team; it is called the Athlete of the Month. These athletes will be recognized with a poster which will hang in the commons. Their picture will be on it wearing the jersey or outfit for the team they represent.
He and Sweetwood instantly hit it off and due to their love of comics, history, and music. When asked why he felt that Selzer was good to come and talk to the students of PTHS, he said, “Adam is fun and has a great sense of humor, as well as knowing his subject very well.” Mr. Selzer appeared on the History Channel’s series on H.H. Holmes called The American Ripper —as an expert on H.H. Holmes. He is considered “THE” authority on the life of Holmes. What Adam had to talk about fit really well into Mr. Sweetwood’s classes, which is the psychology behind what turns a man into a killer and the impact and fear he has on society. From what I have heard from Mr. Sweetwood, it is clear that PTHS was very lucky to have this special guest speak to our students. N O M A D I C | 2 4
I N T H E C L A S S R O O M . . .
By Kamr y n Moo r e
Recently, Mr. Sweetwood’s Illinois Studies and Psychology classes had a special guest speaker. Adam Selzer, author of HH Holmes: The True Story of the White City Devil came to speak to the classes. Mr. Sweetwood has known Selzer for about six years and they originally met when Mr. Soares, Mrs. Mueller, and Mr. Treadway put on a program about local writers.
Upperclass Acts
Sarah Albrecht
NAME: Sarah Albrecht
FAVORITE BOOK: A Wrinkle in Time
NICKNAMES: Sar, Sarah Boo
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Being chosen as Cheer captain
ROLE MODEL(S): Sophia Bush, my grandma
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Cheerleading, Student Council, Key Club, class secretary, HOSA, choir
PET PEEVES: When people complain about everything.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: I’m there for anyone who needs me. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? Pay for college, buy a house, donate to a children’s hospital IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? Sadie, Snickers, & Nala (my pets)
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Nursing, animals, & cheerleading
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Go to college to be a nurse practitioner
FAVORITE MOVIE: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Mess is Mine” by Vance Joy
LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Make the most of the opportunities you’re given.”
Upperclass Acts
Jakob Grieff
NAME: Jakob Grieff
NICKNAMES: Dad Grieff, Grieff
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: My Senior Homecoming assembly.
ROLE MODEL(S): Buck Casson, Russell Westbrook, Mike Trout
PET PEEVES: Someone talking over another person, people being rude to someone, bullying. WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: A nice guy who was intelligent, funny, and always treated others with respect. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? Buy a car, go to college, use whatever is left for charity. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? Water, extra clothes, and a football LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Never forget where you came from and never think you’re better than someone else.”
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Football, Baseball. National Honors Society, Peers Club
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Taking the football field on Homecoming
3 AREAS OF INTEREST: Football, baseball, school
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Attend Illinois State University Majoring in Athletic Training
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: Mr. Nollen Anatomy and Physiology
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Th Critic's
Review of I'll Meet You There
By Kenzie Cool
After graduation, the only thing keeping Skylar Evans in small town Creek View is summer break. That is until Skylar ’ s mother loses her job. Meanwhile, Josh thought he had escaped Creek View when he joined the Marines, until an accident in Afghanistan costs him his leg, bringing him right back home. When working together at the Paradise, Skylar and Josh form and unexpected friendship. Their relationship eventually turns into something deeper. When both their worlds turn upside down, how will they handle the pressure?
Th Critic's
Review of Khalid
By Rebecca True
Among the many emerging artists from the past few years, a prominent singer has definitely been Khalid, a teenager from Georgia. Most people are familiar with his top songs, such as “ Young, Dumb, and Broke, ” “ Location, ” and Since his debut in July of 2016, he has been nominated for five Grammys, an incredible achievement for such a young talent. His less popular songs are certainly worth delving into, such as “ Another Sad Love Song ” and “ Shot Down. ” His style is similar to that of Drake and The Weeknd; he has a mellow, R&B feel to his music. All in all, Khalid is definitely an artist to look into. “ American Teen. ”
Student Poetry
The Chief Staff
Kamryn Moore: Editor-in-Chief
Leslie Babbs Kenzie Cool Kaelee Germain Joe Gilmor Sunshine Holt Clay Miller Luke Morrissette Alyssa Rodriguez Rebecca True Hannah Wallace
Christmas By Aubrey Graves
As the temperature starts to drop, And prices begin to rise, Everyone knows they cannot stop, From shopping with their eyes. Snow is on the ground, And gifts are being wrapped, All winter round, People’s lips are being chapped.
Mr. Blair, Faculty Sponsor Mr. Soares, Faculty Sponsor
Whether you’re in your house or outside, There’s no way to escape the cold snow, Because even with layers of clothes applied, The wind is still going to blow.
Despite all of the cons about Christmas, Nobody would ever really wanna miss this.
Enjoy creative writing? If you ever would ever like to see your creative pieces in The Chief , contact Mr. Soares or Mr. Blair!
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