Board Report August 2024
identified in such activities by specific job types and titles. Individual employees may spend more or less time on these specific tasks at any point in time compared to others and to their normal job duties. However, across all employees of each type it is believed to be accurate. Administrators The Superintendent and other District administrators are responsible for the development and implementation of this overall risk management Plan, including risk management and loss prevention activities. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources uses consultants and systems to comply with various personnel and human rights laws. Additionally, certain other District administrators have significant responsibility for safety of students and facilities including the Directors of Special Education and Facilities. Building administrators establish procedures to insure the safe and orderly movement of people from place to place, including the use of stairs, hallways, and corridors. They insure that the use of classrooms, labs, athletic areas, cafeterias, and auditoriums are safe. For example, they provide supervision to prevent or stop fights; to insure that illegal or dangerous activities cannot occur; and to detect and react to fires and other hazards as quickly as possible. In addition to supervising day to day activities, building administrators establish detailed emergency plans for a variety of threats and emergency situations such as natural disasters and human behavior (weapons, bombs and other violent behavior). Teachers Teachers are responsible for the safety and behavior of students under their supervision, including, among others, while they are in classrooms, hallways, playgrounds, and before and after school. While their prime responsibility is the education of the students, the portion of their time devoted to student behavior and management (beyond normal classroom management) as well as safety procedures (fire and other drills as well as real incidents) to avoid accidents and reduce conflict are included in the Plan. Custodians and Maintenance Supervisors and Workers Custodians and maintenance workers are responsible for the safety of students and staff with respect to the cleaning and maintenance of the buildings under their control. While they are primarily responsible for cleaning and maintenance of facilities on a routine basis, the portion of their time devoted to safety of those using each building owned and operated by the District such as implementation of Emergency plans and response to a variety of threats and situations (including access to and responsibility for building blueprints, tools and vehicles), as well as snow and ice removal are included in the Plan. All custodial and maintenance staff are connected by independent radio communications and can be dispatched quickly to any safety emergency in the District. School Principals and those assisting Principals are responsible for the overall safety of students and staff under their supervision for both day to day operations and emergencies.
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