2022 Summer Camps


GREAT BUILDING Volleyball - Kristen Hinz, khinz@pontiac90.org Football - John Johnson, jjohnson@pontiac90.org Boys Basketball - Matt Kelley, mkelley@pontiac90.org Girls Basketball - Brad Harmon, bharmon@pontiac90.org Swimming - Tara Hansen, thansen@pontiac90.org Cheerleading - Jessa Howard, jhoward@pontiac90.org and Rhiannon Long, rlong@pontiac90.org Tennis - Nick Vogt, nvogt@pontiac90.org Boys Golf - Paul Ritter, pritter@pontiac90.org

Girls Golf - Gary Brunner, gbrunner@pontiac90.org Cross Country - Michael Lucas, mlucas@pontiac90.org Softball - Nicole Hayner, nhayner@pontiac90.org Baseball - Adam Lawrence, alawrence@pontiac90.org Wrestling - Vinnie Hobart, vhobart@pontiac90.org Track - Corey Christenson, cchristenson@pontiac90.org

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