The CHIEF February 2019
’ re also very excited to welcome
some fresh faces to the writing staff this month, so you can look forward to seeing some new perspectives on life here at PTHS. As always, if you would like your article or poem featured in our next edition, or are looking to join the Chief staff, please contact either myself (, co- editor Sunshine Holt (, or our faculty sponsors Dr. Soares ( and Mr. Blair (
By Joe G i l mo r
Hey, everybody, thanks for tuning in to this month ’ s edition of The Chief! We at the Chief enjoyed all of our snow days off, and we hope that all of our readers did too. I ’ d like to begin this month ’ s Editor ’ s Note with a shout-out to the six students chosen to represent PTHS at the All-State Music Festival. See Gabe Travis ’ s article in this edition for more information on them and their achievements.
N O M A D I C | Without further ado, we hope you enjoy this month ’ s edition of The Chief! 2 4
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