The CHIEF September 2021
PTHS Key Club By: Emma O'Lone
Activities Update
The PTHS Key Club is off to an eager start to bring back some in-person service projects this year! In case you are unfamiliar with Key Club, it is a student-led, international service organization, and we have this club available to all students here at our school! Throughout the school year, we do many service activities including Trick or Treating for UNICEF, selling wreaths at Christmas time, working at the Holiday Tournament, occasional roadside clean-ups, and much more! Because of the pandemic, we were unable to do many service projects in person last year. This year, though, we are excited to get back out there again. Come join us in October when we go Trick or Treating for UNICEF! More details will be posted on our social media. We have a Facebook and Instagram page, and you can find us @pontiackeyclub on both of those accounts. Key Club is such a great way to gain service hours while also having fun and making memories. We also go to conventions, at both district and national levels. For national conventions, we go on exciting trips to places such as Orlando, San Francisco, Baltimore, Washington DC, and more! If you are not already in Key Club, I would highly recommend joining, or at least giving it a try, as it will hold some of your most memorable high school moments!
By: Paige Olson
The Pontiac FFA kicked off the new year with our first chapter meeting on September 8. Our forestry team has begun having after school practice. Forestry is a CDE (Career Development Event) in which students demonstrate their skills in diagnosing forest disorders, managing forests and forest inventory and applying approved silviculture practices. If you are interested in joining the team, please talk to Mr. Faber. Our officer team is hard at work planning a year full of different activities and events for you all to join together in. If you have any questions please contact myself, a fellow officer, or Mr. Faber. Here's to a great year, everyone!
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