The CHIEF November 2022

Upperclass Acts

Jacob Lucas

NAME: Jacob Lucas

MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Because of my acceptance into LACC as sophomore, it created an opportunity with Mr. Hobart to work to put the Diesel Program on the state and national level within three years of its creation.

NICKNAMES: JMAL (Initials) and Professor

ROLE MODEL(S): My parents Michael and Jerri Lucas and former swim coach Bob Loy

ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Swimming, Band, Key Club, FFA, Hot Rodders of Tomorrow, and SkillsUSA

PET PEEVES: Someone using their popularity to benefit themselves versus using it to be a leader.

FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Making history in the swim program by being a part of the first relay team ever to go to State.

WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: Generally being pretty down to earth, not mincing words, but also having the ability to be humorous and have fun. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would invest ½ of it under the council of my uncle who is a major investor. The other half I would use towards college and a vehicle. Any leftover money would be put in savings. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A knife, water filter, torch LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Cherish every moment you have and pursue the opportunities given to you. I was a Freshman and then I blinked and I was speaking to Freshman on Day 1 as a Senior.”

3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Mechanics, Carpentry, Competitive Shooting

PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Attend Lineman School in Georgia with the goal to become a journeyman.


MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Light Shine Bright” by Toby Mac

FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: Mr. Hobart (Diesel Technology)

FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: White Knight by W.E. Cule

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