The CHIEF November 2022
Staying Motivated By: Vanessa Kapper
Daylight Savings Time has passed and now the sun sets before 5:00pm. Not to mention the unwillingness to get out of bed this morning now that it is the warmest place you can be during this late fall season. A quick nap after school turns into at least a two hour one and now you have an after-school activity to attend. When you get home, all you want to do is eat dinner and watch Netflix. You put off homework until the next morning, where you will find yourself hating your poor and over-ambitious decision. You say that you will do better the next day. The cycle continues on, and on, and on. There is still hope though, as only you are in charge of this cycle. I say, enough is enough. Let's all push through day by day and one step at a time. Before you know it, winter break will be here. Everything will be just fine. Just keep going.
Fun Facts of the Month! By: Willow Dodson
Here are some interesting facts about November:
675 million pounds of turkey are consumed
in the US on Thanksgiving
November is also National Peanut Butter Lover's Month
in the US
November is seen as the start of storing up harvest for the winter. It's therefore seen as the start of hibernation for humans, in a way! Winter really seems to start going from late in the month onwards.
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