The CHIEF November 2022
NOV, 2022
Check out which PTHS seniors are this month's Upperclass Acts
Read some advice for staying motivated in the last few weeks of the semester
Marching Band Ends By: Caroline Paulson
As of October 23rd, the Pontiac Township High School Marching Band’s season is over. The Band played very well, and were the first to play in the entire University of Illinois Marching Band Competition. The Band placed 4th in our class, just a few points below the band that placed 3rd. As a senior, I am so glad to have gotten to participate in Marching Band these past four years. I’m so proud of how we did this year, and I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better final marching season. I wish the best of luck to those continuing next year, and I’m looking forward to this year’s concert season!
Staying Motivated By: Vanessa Kapper
Daylight Savings Time has passed and now the sun sets before 5:00pm. Not to mention the unwillingness to get out of bed this morning now that it is the warmest place you can be during this late fall season. A quick nap after school turns into at least a two hour one and now you have an after-school activity to attend. When you get home, all you want to do is eat dinner and watch Netflix. You put off homework until the next morning, where you will find yourself hating your poor and over-ambitious decision. You say that you will do better the next day. The cycle continues on, and on, and on. There is still hope though, as only you are in charge of this cycle. I say, enough is enough. Let's all push through day by day and one step at a time. Before you know it, winter break will be here. Everything will be just fine. Just keep going.
Fun Facts of the Month! By: Willow Dodson
Here are some interesting facts about November:
675 million pounds of turkey are consumed
in the US on Thanksgiving
November is also National Peanut Butter Lover's Month
in the US
November is seen as the start of storing up harvest for the winter. It's therefore seen as the start of hibernation for humans, in a way! Winter really seems to start going from late in the month onwards.
Scholastic Bowl By: Caroline Paulson
The first meeting for Scholastic Bowl was October 26th, but there’s still time to join! Scholastic Bowl meets every Wednesday after school from 3:10-4:00. We have a great team this year, but new members are always welcome. Junior Varsity is coached by Mrs. Buchanan, and Varsity is coached by Mr. McElwee. I’m looking forward to a great season!
New Teacher Interview By: Addisyn Mckinney
This year at PTHS, we gladly welcome Ms. Brenda Martinez, one of our new Spanish teachers! Ms. Martinez went to college and finished with her bachelors in 2009 but she did not immediately go into teaching. She then went back to college in 2019 to become a certified teacher in Spanish. By the time she was 18 years old she switched her focus in college from being a professor to becoming a teacher. However, before deciding to become a Spanish teacher, she did think about becoming an English teacher. The world of language and the tie in with culture intrigued her interest and curiosity. According to Ms. Martinez, “language without culture does not influence each other.” This shows the big emphasis on how language can influence different types and styles of cultures. Prior to teaching Spanish at PTHS, Ms. Martinez tutored and translated Spanish to those who were learning the language themselves. She also became a paraprofessional and was also a substitute for LaSalle county alternative schools. During her first year at PTHS, Ms. Martinez feels very welcome and feels like she has a place at our school. She says “Being a teacher is difficult but I enjoy helping and teaching my students.” It truly shows her passion for teaching and how much she loves helping her students learn.
End of Girls' Tennis Season Thoughts By: Summer Negray
The end of the season for the Girl's Tennis team has arrived. With the end of the season being wrapped up, I received comments from several players about end thoughts on how they believed this season went for the team. Senior Views “I think the season went really well. Even though I'm a senior and I sadly don't get to come back next year, it was by far one of the best seasons I've ever experienced. I found a new family in this team and they have made my high school experience ten times better. Pontiac Girl's Tennis is one of the best things to ever happen to me.” Payge Heffelfinger “I loved how I pushed myself to get out there and try something new. Initially, I was hesitant, but I stuck through with the team and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. We all came out as a family who helped each other strive. Throughout the season I saw improvement in each and every player. We all put in that work and it truly showed. It was a great first season I’ve ever been in. I couldn’t have hoped for a better team.” Na Tya McAllister Sophomore Views “Overall the season was successful, it was the first time Pontiac Girl's Tennis made it to a double-digit win throughout the season in four years. Along with this, beating Central Catholic was another huge highlight and goal that we managed to accomplish this season. The team was always uplifting. I loved being around all the girls and listening to Coach Vogt's corny jokes. Seeing everyone strive to be better and the best they can be is what makes our team unique. Pontiac Girl's Tennis has a bright future and I can't wait to be a part of it.” Brooke B. Freshman Views “This was my first year in high school tennis and it was a great one at the least. I made friendships I'll never forget and I have friends who will be with me for future years in tennis. I made it farther in the tennis season than I could've imagined, I hope to make it even further next year and become one of the first girls to make the state qualifiers board. I can't wait to do another three years of it all over again.” Olivia Masching “I believe that the tennis season this year went really well. I became a part of a team full of wonderful people. Though there were many ups and downs, we all made it through together. I am excited for years to come in tennis from now till my senior year.” Avery B. Coach View “The season finished great! We achieved many goals that I set at the beginning of the season! We were above .500 at 10-5, got second and 4th at tournaments, and beat Central Catholic for the first time in 21 years! It was a very good season and I look forward to seeing what our girls do next year!” Coach Vogt
Upperclass Acts
Abigail Matern
NAME: Abigail Matern
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon.
ROLE MODEL(S): The people I look up to most are my aunt (Pam Pagel) and my golf coach (Mr. Brunner).
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: When I was accepted into National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society.
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Some activities I am involved in are golf, Key Club, Student Council, and National Honor Society.
PET PEEVES: If there is a conversation, do not change the subject randomly.
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Either going to Medical Terminology and talking with Michael and Addi or golf bus rides with Mr. Brunner.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: My friends will remember my weird sense of humor and how I was a try hard in class. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would spend $1,000,000 by giving part to my family and then taking a trip around the world. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? I would want my dog, Layla, a cell phone, and cellphone tower to call someone to get me off the island.
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Anything medical, golf, and anything movies.
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: I plan to attend either the University of Iowa or Southern Illinois University- Carbondale to become a Sonographer (Ultrasound Technician).
FAVORITE MOVIE: 10 Things I Hate About You
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley
LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Be yourself even if others don’t like you for it.”
FAVORITE TEACHERS/CLASSES: Mr. McElwee in Rhet 3 and Mrs. Kuerth in Medical Terminology.
Upperclass Acts
Jacob Lucas
NAME: Jacob Lucas
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Because of my acceptance into LACC as sophomore, it created an opportunity with Mr. Hobart to work to put the Diesel Program on the state and national level within three years of its creation.
NICKNAMES: JMAL (Initials) and Professor
ROLE MODEL(S): My parents Michael and Jerri Lucas and former swim coach Bob Loy
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Swimming, Band, Key Club, FFA, Hot Rodders of Tomorrow, and SkillsUSA
PET PEEVES: Someone using their popularity to benefit themselves versus using it to be a leader.
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Making history in the swim program by being a part of the first relay team ever to go to State.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: Generally being pretty down to earth, not mincing words, but also having the ability to be humorous and have fun. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would invest ½ of it under the council of my uncle who is a major investor. The other half I would use towards college and a vehicle. Any leftover money would be put in savings. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A knife, water filter, torch LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Cherish every moment you have and pursue the opportunities given to you. I was a Freshman and then I blinked and I was speaking to Freshman on Day 1 as a Senior.”
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Mechanics, Carpentry, Competitive Shooting
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Attend Lineman School in Georgia with the goal to become a journeyman.
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Light Shine Bright” by Toby Mac
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: Mr. Hobart (Diesel Technology)
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: White Knight by W.E. Cule
F R O S T E D C R U M B L E C A R A M E L P U M P K I N C O O K I E S K y l a B a k e r ' s
These cookies are delicious and are a must-have for that perfect taste of fall. They’re easy to make and super worth it. These cookies are a pumpkin spice copycat of crumble cookies recipe. They’re soft and chewy and topped with a cream cheese frosting and pumpkin spice dusting. Just mix together ½ cup of softened butter, either salted or unsalted, with ½ cup granulated sugar, and ⅓ cup brown sugar. Then you’ll need to mix 1 Egg yolk, 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract, and ¼ cup of your favorite Pumpkin puree. Then you just add in 1⅔ cup of AP flour, ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, ¾ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice, ¼ teaspoon salt, and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mix until combined and then just scoop on a baking sheet, press into about 1 inch thick and bake at 350°F for 13 mins. Let cool on a sheet for 20 mins then take off and let it fully cool on the cooling rack to frost. To make the caramel and cream cheese frosting you just cream 4 tablespoons of butter unsalted and softened with 5 oz .of cream cheese softened using a whisk or whisk attachment for 3 minutes or until smooth. Then you add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3 tablespoon caramel, and ¾ cup powdered sugar then whip again to combine. You can add the ½ teaspoon caramel extract extract in this step if you want that extra flavor in the frosting, then whip for another 3-4 minutes or until fluffy. Finally, add the frosting to a piping bag or a ziplock with the tip cut off, frost each cookie, then dust with pumpkin pie spice. For a more detailed overview of these cookies go look up the lifestyle of a foodie pumpkin and caramel cookies and it's the first one!
Veteran's Day Student Poetry
Our Country's Colors By: Neva Morris
Our flag waving from the tempered sky Painted without a flaw With beauty so rare and love to be shared With paint that is still raw The blue in the day purple at dusk all we can appreciate For our dear veterans let us have that joy so let us commemorate All that they do and have done let us rejoice in to the sun At the end of the day when the celebration may cease We can put our thoughts at ease And always remember this bravery is because of our veteran’s great love
Music Review
By Vanessa Kapper
Taylor Swift's Midnights
Taylor Swift released her tenth studio album on October 21st, 2022. Her pop album, Midnights , broke the Spotify record of having the most streamed album in one day. She also claimed Billboard’s entire top ten in one week. Her album has thirteen songs on her original album and three extra songs on her deluxe album. On the release night of Midnights, she surprise-released a 3 AM edition of Midnights , consisting of seven extra songs. Midnights is for sure in the top three of my favorite Taylor Swift albums and could possibly even be my number one. Taylor Swift is a mastermind at songwriting as shown in her previous albums, Folklore and Evermore. Each song has a captivating and motivating story to tell and I firmly believe there is no bad song on this album. My personal favorites are “Bigger Than the Whole Sky,” “Maroon,” “Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve,” and “The Great War.” Honestly, the list goes on and on. The songs of Midnights are stories that Taylor Swift has written in the middle of sleepless nights throughout her life. On October 31st, 2022, she announced her upcoming Eras Tour, her first tour since her 2018 Reputation tour. This tour will consist of songs throughout all of her albums, which I very much hope to get tickets for.
Editor-in-Chief: Vanessa Kapper The Chief Staff Dalton Baker Kyla Baker Willow Dodson AuBrianna Foglio Rebekah Hendershott Addisyn McKinney
Enjoy creative writing? If you ever would ever like to see your creative pieces in The Chief , contact Dr. Soares or Mr. Blair!
Summer Negray Caroline Paulson Lauren Russow
Mr. Blair, Faculty Sponsor Dr. Soares, Faculty Sponsor The CHIEF logos designed by Abbi Schott
Student Poetry: "Compliments" By: Lauren and Jana Russow
When people are feeling sad,
a simple complement can make them glad.
No matter how awful someone may feel,
kind words can spark a friendship that is genuine and real.
A tiny comment about their appearance or dress can make a person feel like their day is a success. Remember that nice comments sent someone’s way can make them positive the entire day.
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