The CHIEF May 2021
Seniors Say Goodbye:
What was your favorite class in all of high school and why?
My favorite class in all of high school is my Environmental Earth Science class with Mr. Ritter. In that class, there was always something to do, and we were provided with tons of opportunities. Some opportunities include extra experience with public speaking, just get out of your comfort zone, and even scholarships. (Andrew Hocker) My favorite class throughout high school would have to be Ag Science. We were taught different techniques that we'd be able to take away with us in our later years in life. (Olivia Wickman) My favorite class was Natural Resources with Mr. Bane. I enjoyed doing different experiments, as well as going different places to see things that I have never seen before. (Adam Jacobs)
My favorite class was Automotives class. It kept me really busy and helped me improve on my work ethic. (Jackson Schott)
Mr. Nollen’s anatomy class because I felt like I learned a lot in that class and actually understood the material. He taught very well and the dissecting helped too. (Alyssa Fox)
I really liked the drafting and engineering classes. I liked these classes because they were classes that you actually get to do hands on activity rather than just sitting there taking notes. (Grace Meyers).
Computer Maintenance because I got to learn about how computers work and Mr. Masching was a very chill teacher while keeping us on track. (Vincent Gierich)
My welding classes because it showed me so many opportunities and talents that I have that I had no idea I possessed. (Ayden Mankowski)
CNA because it got my foot in the doorstep for my future. (Trevor Sexton)
Algebra 2 with Mr. Krause because he is probably the funniest teacher I've met. (Payton Whitman)
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