The CHIEF May 2021
Band Wrap-Up By: Conrad Skrzypiec
Activities Update
If there is anything that is constant, it's music. Although this year was, I hate to say it, unprecedented, Choir has always been a fun activity. This Friday, the class of 2021 departed from PTHS. There were senior awards given: Camille Stadler, Gabe Travis, Joe Gilmor, Alaska Bennet, and Kellin Ours. Maddie Lee received the National School Choral Award. The Route 66 Jazz Choir recently recorded their final product of the year, singing songs like “My Funny Valentine,” “James Bond Theme,” and many others! Even though there were no in-person concerts this year, Mr. Durbin put in a tremendous amount of work to create the amazing memories that this year of Choir will always cherish. By: Ava Nollen End of the Year for Choir Likewise, the PTHS Jazz Band is in the home stretch, and a recording of the progress they have made this year will be on the way soon. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to have live performances again, and we certainly hope to see you all there! The band has had a very eventful year, trying their best to find a way to make and release music for people to enjoy. With the constraints on when and where and even how they can play, it certainly hasn’t been easy, but they have found a way. In case anyone missed it, the PTHS Marching Indians performed at the April 16th home football game, where they celebrated the seniors in band. But now they have packed away their marching gear (for now) and are preparing for graduation and the next year. Work has begun on practicing for a graduation performance, but whether this will be in the form of a live performance or simply a recording is yet to be determined. Band members are also getting their first taste of next year’s marching band music, which they hope will grant them a leg up at the University of Illinois’ next marching band competition.
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