The CHIEF March 2024
Unpopular Opinion: Christmas is the Worst Holiday By: Summer Negray
People today have forgotten about the meaning of Christmas. Regardless of religious beliefs, Christmas can be a time for families to come together and be reminded about how much they love each other. Yes, Christmas is known to be a time of generosity and kindness. However, most people become focused on the purchases rather than the quality family time! In the months leading up to Christmas, usually when you ask for something at the grocery store your mom hits you with “put it on your Christmas list.” Sometimes, even if this item is a necessity like deodorant or a new toothbrush. Parents can become stressed out about having enough money to be able to buy presents for their children. For example, an article written by Lendingtree suggests that, “Half of parents with kids younger than 18 say they're worried about disappointing their children if they don't spend enough on their holiday gifts this year, and 44% of them say they've lost sleep worrying about how to pay for them” (Davis). Maggie Davis took a survey with parents to see how presents affected their mood and family time in the months leading up to Christmas. She found that rather than parents being focused on spending time with their children, they were stressed about the money aspect of Christmas. It doesn't help that during Christmas time, corporations are pumping out commercial after commercial of new toys and gadgets that children/teens obviously desire. As a result of Christmas time being viewed as more of “Oh, I get toys and gifts,” rather than “I get to spend time with my family,” it's implanted in children and teens' brains that during the Christmas time of year, it's about them receiving something. We should be shifting our viewpoint of Christmas. Some may say, “Oh, but this is the time of giving.” However, you can give a gift without spending hundreds of dollars on it. Christmas time shouldn't be focused on “I get” or “I want it.” Instead, Christmas should be focused on being together.
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