The CHIEF March 2024

We have the privilege to welcome Mr. Gragert to PTHS! He grew up here in Pontiac and played football for a year in high school. After high school, he attended the Baran Institute of Technology in East Windsor, CT, where students commonly major in a field related to transportation, mechanics, and repair. His favorite part of college was the experiences he gained while getting to know and learning with people who shared his passion for cars. As a child, his dream was to open his own shop for customizing cars, and he always knew that he wanted to work on cars for a living. Before coming to PTHS, Mr. Gragert worked at a variety of places doing mechanical work for over 15 years, and then worked for 7 years as a correctional officer at the Pontiac Correctional Center. His favorite part about teaching is that there is always more to do in the field, that it could never grow dull, and “you never stop learning.” His advice to students would be: “Life throws curve balls, so don’t burn down your bridges. You never know when you might have to cross them again.” His parents are his role models in life, and they taught him to never give up on your dreams. They also taught him to always be kind to others, no matter the circumstances. His motivation every day is to see students succeed and learn a new skill that can help them continue to succeed for the rest of their lives. If Mr. Gragert could go on vacation anywhere in the world for free, he would go to Ireland. However, until he goes, he spends his time with his wife and kids and working on old cars. He has four dogs—a Great Dane, a Great Pyrenees, a Golden Retriever, and a Pomeranian—and two cats. Lastly, a fun fact about him is that he has a twin brother. Thank you, Mr. Gragert, for sharing about yourself. Welcome to PTHS! New Teacher Interview with Mr. Gragert By: Hannah Ricketts

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