The CHIEF March 2023
Music Review
By Rebekah Hendershott
"Narcissist" by Lauren Spencer Smith
Lauren Spencer Smith released a song called “Narcissist” late July of 2022. The song holds a very mellow beat with sad undertones. Lauren explains what it is like to love a narcissist and how confusing the feelings between leaving and staying are. In a relationship with a narcissist, she also explains you are the one to always take the blame when something goes wrong and you are the only one who is going to compromise something. My very first listen, I skipped over because most of the songs I listen to are fast beats. After returning to the song and listening to the words I realized how many people live in this reality and that such representation and confrontation to an issue is important. Because of the vocals and the important meaning, I found the slow beat to be good for the song. I would rate the song a 7/10. I feel in the song there could have been more emotion expressed and emphasis on words or sentences to really push that feeling of hardship and exhaustion through to listeners.
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