The CHIEF January 2023
FFA Update By: Addisyn McKinney
On January 18, the Pontiac FFA held their annual chapter meeting. During this meeting, it started off with our opening ceremony where past and future events are mentioned that may have happened recently or are being planned for the future. Some past events that have happened recently include Prepared Public Speaking CDE (Career Development Event), the chapter exchange to North Carolina, and making/donating tie blankets. For future events, a major event that is happening is that our FFA members have an opportunity to attend a skiing trip coming up on February 20th at Chestnut Mountain in Galena, Illinois! After the opening ceremony was finished, our members partook in games of dodgeball for the main event of the night with a little bit of our famous line dancing to top it all off for the night. If interested, the next chapter meeting will be February 8th at 6:30 - see you there!
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