The CHIEF February 2024

PTHS PETS By: Lillian Rainbolt

Jane (aka Janey-Waney) Owner: Maestra Martinez Breed: American Short Hair Age: 10 years old Name Origin: Maestra loves the show Daria, and Daria’s best friend in the show is named Jane Lane. Likes: Catnip, yogurt, fresh clean bedding, fluffy blankets, wet food, plants, open heat vents (she will sit on the vent when the heat is blowing), and getting brushed Dislikes: Baths, Lula's neediness (Maestra’s dog featured in the last edition of PTHS Pets), and flea/tick meds Fun Fact: Jane answers to her name and will come to Maestra when she whistles.

Quannah Owner: Jake Davis Breed: American Bison Age: 11 years old Name Origin: A Native American chief Likes: Corn Dislikes: Grass Fun Fact: Quannah is a very gentle 6 foot 2,000 pound giant.

Bonnie Owner: Daniel Bradshaw Breed: German Shepherd Age: 6

Name Origin: Daniel didn't know if he was going to get a male or female dog, so he decided on Bonnie and Clyde. Dislikes: Daniel’s brother’s instrument; She hides under Daniel’s desk every time it’s played. Fun Fact: Bonnie is a big scaredy-cat.

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