The CHIEF February 2024

Interview with Miss Lee By: Lauren Russow

Ms. Lee is the new FLC math teacher. She graduated from ISU and is currently furthering her education path. She teaches Algebra 1 and Plane Geometry. She describes our school as unified, stating, “The staff is unified. The students are unified. We are unified.” She became interested in teaching at our school due to the courses that she would potentially be teaching. What she is looking forward to most during this school year is collaborating with the math department. A great memory she has while teaching at PTHS is of Homecoming week. Ms. Lee enjoyed dressing up with coworkers and seeing students decorate our halls with creativity. She also likes to work with the FLC team and her students. She mostly works with freshmen, but has some upperclassmen in her classes. As well as being a math teacher, she is also our JV Girls Basketball coach. She believes that students should check out any extracurricular that they are interested in, even if their interest is small. She states that extracurricular activities build your character along with giving you new friendships and skills. She graduated high school in 2017, so her experiences were only just a little bit different than that of the present day student. She did not experience e-learning days in place of snow days and was not allowed to keep her cellphone on her during class because they were seen as distractions. Her hobbies are sports and being outdoors. She attempted to get 1,000 hours outdoors and in nature in 2022 and 2023 even though there were some crazy temperatures. She also loves playing board and card games with her family. Her favorite song is "Chasin' You" by Morgan Wallen with a close second being "Faithful Still" by KingsPorch. Her favorite quote is "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" by C.S. Lewis. Her favorite book is "Uninvited" by Lysa Terkeurst. A tip she has for students to have a good semester is to show up as often as they can to school, sporting events, and any other school function. She believes that as soon as students invest in high school, the results teachers and students want will come.

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