The CHIEF February 2024

Unpopular Opinion By: Lily Fetgatter

Many people enjoy all different kinds of soft drinks and sodas. Some people have favorites or would rank one over the other. For example, I love Dr. Pepper, and most of my friends really like Sprite, but in my opinion, Sprite is gross. When I say that to my friends, they are not happy at all. After doing some research, there are pros and cons to both. Sprite is a lemon-lime flavored drink while Dr. Pepper is a sweet, but peppery flavored drink with hints of vanilla and citrus. Both drinks have other flavors like Sprite Cranberry and strawberry or cream soda flavored Dr. Pepper, but they also have many spinoffs or off-brand flavors like Dr. Thunder and Starry. Sprite has more carbonation, but Dr. Pepper has more calories. In 2022, Dr. Pepper hit high volume sales of 632 million, 192-ounce cases in total. But in 2023, Sprite and Mountain Dew was most popular, standing at 93% with Dr. Pepper falling close behind at 92%. After all of the research, I still am going have to say that Dr. Pepper will stay #1 in my ranking list. However, out of these two options, which of your favorite?

Student Poetry: “Jan. 1” By: Mariah Wallis

Time is a thief Stealing things before you are ready The decay happening before your eyes Not being to stop them from fleeing

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