The CHIEF February 2024
FEB, 2024
People can’t seem to get enough of seeing the dogs, cats, and...bison of PTHS!
Check out which PTHS seniors are this month's Upperclass Acts
Black History Month was not originally a full month, but just one week. This week was created by Carter G. Woodson after attending the 50th anniversary of emancipation in 1915. This inspired him to help preserve the history of African Americans. He founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), and one year after that he created the Journal of Negro History to showcase the achievements of Black Americans. In February 1926, Woodson sent out a press release that created Black History Week. He chose February because it is Abraham Lincoln’s and Frederick Douglas's birthday month and to honor that they both were prominent civil rights activists in African American history. Woodson died in 1950, but his visions of honor to African Americans lived on through the ASNLH. Younger members of the organization urged the officials to increase the celebration to a whole month. In February of 1986, on the 50th anniversary of the first Negro History Week, the association shifted to the whole month of February. Ever since then, every President has made a proclamation honoring Black History Month. By covering Black History Month in The Chief, I hope that you have learned something new! Where It All Began...Black History Month By: Lauren Russow
Interview with Miss Lee By: Lauren Russow
Ms. Lee is the new FLC math teacher. She graduated from ISU and is currently furthering her education path. She teaches Algebra 1 and Plane Geometry. She describes our school as unified, stating, “The staff is unified. The students are unified. We are unified.” She became interested in teaching at our school due to the courses that she would potentially be teaching. What she is looking forward to most during this school year is collaborating with the math department. A great memory she has while teaching at PTHS is of Homecoming week. Ms. Lee enjoyed dressing up with coworkers and seeing students decorate our halls with creativity. She also likes to work with the FLC team and her students. She mostly works with freshmen, but has some upperclassmen in her classes. As well as being a math teacher, she is also our JV Girls Basketball coach. She believes that students should check out any extracurricular that they are interested in, even if their interest is small. She states that extracurricular activities build your character along with giving you new friendships and skills. She graduated high school in 2017, so her experiences were only just a little bit different than that of the present day student. She did not experience e-learning days in place of snow days and was not allowed to keep her cellphone on her during class because they were seen as distractions. Her hobbies are sports and being outdoors. She attempted to get 1,000 hours outdoors and in nature in 2022 and 2023 even though there were some crazy temperatures. She also loves playing board and card games with her family. Her favorite song is "Chasin' You" by Morgan Wallen with a close second being "Faithful Still" by KingsPorch. Her favorite quote is "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" by C.S. Lewis. Her favorite book is "Uninvited" by Lysa Terkeurst. A tip she has for students to have a good semester is to show up as often as they can to school, sporting events, and any other school function. She believes that as soon as students invest in high school, the results teachers and students want will come.
Jazz Band Update By: Hannah Ricketts
This semester, Jazz Band was off to a late start, though no less exciting than usual. Although we had many rehearsals on the schedule, snow days and other conflicts uprooted our plans. The week before our Christmas concert was our first rehearsal, but it was a great one! Over the last several months, we have been working on fundamentals and reading skills during class, and you could both see and hear our progress during the first read of new music. We are currently working on “Theme from Family Guy ” by Rick Stitzil that features a trumpet solo, “Build Me Up, Buttercup” by Roger Holmes that also features a trumpet solo, and “Zoot Suit Riot” by Paul Murtha that features a tenor saxophone solo. It’s currently full speed ahead to prepare for the upcoming concert, and we're on the verge of a scramble. Although it feels chaotic and challenging, many of the decisions made are discussed with the group and agreed upon by everyone, which definitely creates a more motivating environment. Above all, it's about more than just playing music—the goal is to inspire others to work hard and put a little effort into whatever they enjoy doing. Whether what you enjoy is music or not, a little effort can take a basic skill to a higher level, and even make it more enjoyable! While it can be hard work, the end results are completely worth it. Jazz Band has had a great start this semester, and I look forward to seeing the end result of our hard work at the concert!
PTHS Choir Update By: Lily Raby
The Choral Program was excited to present its Winter Showcase Concert on February 25th at 7:00pm. Audience members will hear music from our groups: Cantabile, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir and our Route 66 Jazz Choir. The groups will sing music from bands like Coldplay, Toto, Billy Joel, One Republic, Katy Perry, Bonnie Tyler and many more! You will also enjoy music from some of your favorite Disney films like The Little Mermaid , Moana , and Tangled ! Overall, the students have been working incredibly hard to improve their music skills and look forward to sharing an evening of music with you all! Some events to look forward to after the concert are Solo and Ensemble and The Music Man in March. Stay tuned for other editions to learn about all that is going on with PTHS Choir.
PTHS PETS By: Lillian Rainbolt
Jane (aka Janey-Waney) Owner: Maestra Martinez Breed: American Short Hair Age: 10 years old Name Origin: Maestra loves the show Daria, and Daria’s best friend in the show is named Jane Lane. Likes: Catnip, yogurt, fresh clean bedding, fluffy blankets, wet food, plants, open heat vents (she will sit on the vent when the heat is blowing), and getting brushed Dislikes: Baths, Lula's neediness (Maestra’s dog featured in the last edition of PTHS Pets), and flea/tick meds Fun Fact: Jane answers to her name and will come to Maestra when she whistles.
Quannah Owner: Jake Davis Breed: American Bison Age: 11 years old Name Origin: A Native American chief Likes: Corn Dislikes: Grass Fun Fact: Quannah is a very gentle 6 foot 2,000 pound giant.
Bonnie Owner: Daniel Bradshaw Breed: German Shepherd Age: 6
Name Origin: Daniel didn't know if he was going to get a male or female dog, so he decided on Bonnie and Clyde. Dislikes: Daniel’s brother’s instrument; She hides under Daniel’s desk every time it’s played. Fun Fact: Bonnie is a big scaredy-cat.
Rowan Owner: Emma Reichart Breed: Orange Age: 1 year Name Origin: Rowan is named after a type of tree. Likes: Snuggles Fun Fact: Rowan is scared of Emma’s orange band hoodie.
Leonard Whiskers Kit Kat Kisser Casson (Lenny) Owner: Coach Casson Breed: Chocolate Lab Age: About 3 years old (Lenny was rescued from The Humane Society on 3/15/22) Likes: Chewing on about everything, swimming, cuddling, and overall being goofy Fun Fact: Lenny usually has so much energy when Coach Casson comes home that he vaults off the back of the couch.
Otis Owner: Mr. Stein Breed: He’s a rescue but they guess him to be a Boxer and Aussie mix. Age: 6 or 7 years old Name Origin: Named after Otis Day from Otis Day and the Knights, a band that appeared in a popular movie from 1978 called Animal House. Likes: All the same food Priya does, he will play fetch till his paws bleed (Mr. Stein says he actually has to cut Otis off or he will tear his paws up, he loves it that much), Exercise, exercise and more exercise -his energy level is through the roof. Dislikes: Not being exercised -he will literally walk around and wine at you until you play with him- and sleeping in; he gets up at 5 am bright eyed and bushy tailed. Fun Fact: Mr. Stein says, “When we adopted him he ended up having the dog flu (which we did not know) when we got him. Long story short it almost killed him. Luckily we had an awesome vet that saved his life, and we are forever grateful to have his loving energy in our home.”
Sneakers Owner: Nola Zehr Breed: Maine Coon Mix Age: 9 years old
Name Origin: Nola thought of his name when he was still very small, and he blended into her couch; she said he was sneaky, so she named him Sneakers. Likes: Plush blankets and beating up the neighbor’s cat Fun Fact: Nola says, “When I get home he trots up to me like a horse and begs for food. He loves to share my ice cream, rub his face all over your shoes, and leave his footprints all over my car so I can be reminded of him when I’m gone. He won’t leave me alone until I wrap his blanket around him like the big baby he is.”
Priya Owner: Mr. Stein Breed: Golden Retriever Age: 10 years old Name Origin: It is Hindu for “beloved one”, and Priya was named after Raj's sister on the Big Bang Theory. Likes: Peanut butter, steak, crackers, bones (she's a Golden; she will eat anything) She loves walks and naps but she loves her mom (Mr. Stein’s wife) the best -does not leave her side, follows her everywhere- also loves to get a bath and have her hair combed. Dislikes: Being woken up from her nap, her much younger and energetic brother jumping on her and wanting to rough house, any being -human or other species- of animal that dares to walk past her house Fun Fact: Mr. Stein says, “I picked her out from a breeder outside of Peoria and she brought me a stick and that was it, love at 1st stick. Come to find out she only did that to get to my then girlfriend and now wife because she is 100% imprinted on her.”
Cheer Update: 23-24 Season By: Taylor Henson
With the second semester underway, let's talk about the Varsity Cheer team! In 2022, the Pontiac Township High School Lady Indians made their first run to state. At sectionals, they placed fourth out of thirty-nine teams! This team had only a couple seniors with many underclassmen returning. After their first state appearance, they were determined to make it there again. This year, they did just that! With almost the same team as last year, they struck gold again placing fourth at sectionals. They had much support from PTHS students because of a fan bus. A student could buy a ticket to watch their very own cheerleaders compete at a state-level competition. This year's team had many veterans with four seniors and four juniors. Let's make sure they get to that level again next year by continually showing our support!
PTHS Basketball Update By: Jack Demopoulos With a 5-1 record in the month of February, it's safe to say that the Indians have been lights out so far. Currently, the basketball team has accumulated a 19-10 record and a 8-1 in the conference, with outstanding performances from the likes of Riley Johnson, Henry Brummel, Riley Weber, Camden Fenton, and Kerr Bauman. With everything going on this season, let us recognize the outstanding players who have scored one thousand points in their high-school career: Kerr Bauman, Henry Brummel, and Riley Weber. Throughout these players' careers they’ve shown a crazy amount of dedication to not just playing, but playing extremely well, and we thank these seniors for all the memories they’ve made. Moving forward, the team is coming into the playoffs with fire in their heart hoping to have a repeat of last year. It’s safe to say the team is special and has a lot of amazing players. I know I’ll be watching as many games home t t h thi t i t l f l th
Upperclass Acts
Payton Semmens
NAME: Payton Semmens
ROLE MODEL(S): My parents
PET PEEVES: Not working hard, repetitive noise when it’s quiet.
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Varsity Cheerleading, Track and Field, National Honor Society, FFA
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: They will remember how I put my all into whatever I am passionate about. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would use part of this money to donate it to further cancer research or helping pay for treatments. The rest I would invest in and pay off college and probably buy some sort of random thing that was popular at the time. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? Lighter, blanket, knife LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Within high school you will receive many opportunities. Take them, use them, and learn from them. Fail at them in high school and use that for growth in the future.”
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Making it to state for cheerleading my sophomore year as the first full girl team to go to state in school history.
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Sports Science, Medical Science, Animals
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: I plan to cheer at a collegiate level and pursue nursing at a University.
FAVORITE MOVIE: Where the Crawdads Sing
FAVORITE BOOKS: The Hunger Games Trilogy
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: My most positive moment was this year being able to receive All State for cheerleading and a scholarship through our ICCA competition!
Upperclass Acts
Duncan Eilts
NAME: Duncan Eilts
ROLE MODEL(S): Mom, and Dad
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: Environmental Earth Science
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Baseball, Unified Bowling, Unified Basketball, Golf, and NHS
FAVORITE AUTHOR: William Shakespeare
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: There is not a single one of my fondest memories of High School so far, but the most recent memorable moment is doing a tick drag for Environmental Earth Science, and we had to get dressed up in suits to avoid getting ticks, and although we did not find a single tick that day it was the time spent with friends that was the fondest memory of that day.
PET PEEVES: When people are inconsiderate and are late for things.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: I hope that my friends will remember me as someone who always cared, for others and was there for people when they needed it. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would buy a house, and invest the rest into a means to make money for a lifetime. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A motorboat, gas, and food. LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Make the best of every situation and live in the moment and not in the past or the future.”
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Fishing, Baseball, Academics
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: After High School, I plan to continue my education at the University of Illinois.
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor
Unpopular Opinion By: Lily Fetgatter
Many people enjoy all different kinds of soft drinks and sodas. Some people have favorites or would rank one over the other. For example, I love Dr. Pepper, and most of my friends really like Sprite, but in my opinion, Sprite is gross. When I say that to my friends, they are not happy at all. After doing some research, there are pros and cons to both. Sprite is a lemon-lime flavored drink while Dr. Pepper is a sweet, but peppery flavored drink with hints of vanilla and citrus. Both drinks have other flavors like Sprite Cranberry and strawberry or cream soda flavored Dr. Pepper, but they also have many spinoffs or off-brand flavors like Dr. Thunder and Starry. Sprite has more carbonation, but Dr. Pepper has more calories. In 2022, Dr. Pepper hit high volume sales of 632 million, 192-ounce cases in total. But in 2023, Sprite and Mountain Dew was most popular, standing at 93% with Dr. Pepper falling close behind at 92%. After all of the research, I still am going have to say that Dr. Pepper will stay #1 in my ranking list. However, out of these two options, which of your favorite?
Student Poetry: “Jan. 1” By: Mariah Wallis
Time is a thief Stealing things before you are ready The decay happening before your eyes Not being to stop them from fleeing
Book Reviews
By Summer Negray
Dance of Thieves and Vow of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson
“Some said it began with the stars.” Dance of Thieves takes the reader on a captivating story of love, hate, betrayal, belonging, and fear. It is at the top of my reading recommendation list. The story tells of a man that is destined to lead and a legendary thief that will stop at nothing to steal back what is hers. What happens when the thief accidentally steals something she never expected? Or, when she steals something that she desperately wants to forget and can never give it back? Better yet, what if it gets worse and she steals a secret that can destroy the continent, and bring back the Remnant War? The fierce protectiveness of a woman who saved the thief threatens the new life that she wants to build. During all of this, the leader must protect his home from a dangerous threat. Finally, the leader or “he who was chosen for greatness” must pick between the love for his home or the complex feeling for his lover.[1] “Some say it ended with the stars.” Vow of Thieves is the sequel to Dance of Thieves and is also at the top of my reading recommendation list. Vow of Thieves will wrap up the story of the destined leader and the thief. The book is filled with heart throbbing sorrow and extreme anticipation. I could not put this book down because with every chapter I was left wanting more. The one major question that I had after reading Dance of Thieves was “have Kazi and Jaze survived?” The Vow of Thieves answers many of the untold secrets and unanswered questions that had been left open in book one. Is Kazi and Jaze's love for each other strong enough to withstand their own flaws? I encourage you to explore Kazi and Jaze's captivating story of love, hate, betrayal, belonging, and fear.
Movie Review
By Tyler Drechsel
The Princess Bride (1987)
What is the perfect movie? In my opinion, there are two types of perfect movies. The first kind is the critically perfect movie, or as I like to call it, a Goldilocks movie. A Goldilocks movie is when everything is done just right. The acting is good, the directing is good, and every other element is good. While the movie might not fit your particular taste, there’s nothing you can really say to put it down. The second kind of perfect movie is based on enjoyment. With these movies, every single second is enjoyable and entertaining. The quality of the acting or story is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the enjoyment of the viewer. While many films try to accomplish too many things at once, it can lead to a mess if everything isn’t balanced correctly. One movie however, manages to undertake a wide variety of elements and perfectly balance all of them: The Princess Bride . For those who don’t know, The Princess Bride is a comedic fantasy film that tells its story in a very unique way. The film begins in the bedroom of a young boy. The young boy is sick, so his mother has his grandfather come to watch him. In order to keep his grandson entertained, the grandfather takes out a book and reads it to him. We are then brought into the fantastical land of Florin, where we are introduced to our main characters, Wesley and Buttercup. Wesley is a farm boy who works for the woman Buttercup, who at first treats him like a slave. They both, however, fall madly in love with each other. In order to afford marriage, Wesley ventures out to seek his fortune and is killed by pirates. Buttercup, absolutely devastated, vows to never love again. Years later, Buttercup is engaged to the prince of Florin, even though she feels no love for him. While on one of her evening rides, she is kidnapped by three “lost circus performers” who plan to kill her and start a war. Wesley, who had actually managed to survive the pirate attack, saves her, and the two are reunited. But after getting caught by the prince, Wesley and Buttercup are separated once more. What follows is Wesley’s adventure to save his one true love from the prince, before they get married. And occasionally, the story is interrupted by the young boy, who inputs commentary. To quote the film itself, this movie contains, “Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escape, true love, miracles…” and it somehow balances all of it. The story never goes off track, and every decision the movie makes is a hit. This film dialogue also has some of the greatest dialogue of all time, worded in such a way that makes every line extremely memorable. This movie is absolutely filled with iconic quotes and one liners that I use every day. The Princess Bride plays with the clichés of fairy tales, and uses absolute absurdity and snappy lines for comedy. The jokes still make me bust up laughing even on my 74th watch. And that’s not a joke. I never get sick of this movie, and it’s honestly insane to me just how perfect it is.
Editor-in-Chief: Vanessa Kapper The Chief Staff Jack Demopoulos Tyler Drechsel Brieaunna Duck Lily Fetgatter Megan Hensley Taylor Henson Kat Mercer Summer Negray Lily Raby Lilian Rainbolt Hannah Ricketts Lauren Russow Michelle Stevenson
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