The CHIEF February 2021
Check out which PTHS seniors are this month's Upperclass Acts
Read all about what students are looking forward to once the current pandemic ends.
By Joe G i l mo r
Hey, everybody, and welcome back to another edition of The Chief !
As we dash towards the finish line through second semester, it seems that things are slowly returning to normal. COVID-19 cases have started die down and many essential workers, including our own educators, have been vaccinated against the disease. Clubs are returning to in-person meetings, and many are optimistic about the possibility of limited capacity sporting events, concerts, and other gatherings being held in the not-so-distant future.
No matter what future events unfold, you can rest assured that the newspaper staff will continue to keep you informed on all the latest news from PTHS. Thanks again for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy this month ’ s edition of The Chief !
N O M A D I C Your Editor-in-Chief, Joe Gilmor | 2 4
Black History Month By Callie Dalton
As we enter February we earnestly invite the recognition of Black History Month here at PTHS. This month is dedicated to the achievements and accomplishments of African American men and women who have fought for the amelioration of racial equality in America. Despite hatred and prejudice, these figures continued to advocate for human rights. While recognizing these activists’ diligence in our school, we must also understand that still in 2021 the fight for equal rights is not a figment of the past. It would be remiss to deny that it is easy to fall into complacency when discrimination is not right in front of you. Perhaps instead of celebrating a Black History Month that ends on March 1st, we should make it an inspiring motivator that lasts throughout the year. Black history is still being made, and we in Pontiac must be sure to lift and support the movement in any way we can. “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” -Barack Obama.
After COVID Plans B y G a b e T r a v i s
As the COVID-19 pandemic nears its end, the students at PTHS are eager to resume their normal lives and get to do the things that were blocked off to them. Sophomores and juniors are preparing themselves for school events such as dances and sports games to attend with their fellow students. Freshman are preparing to experience the joys of high school games and dances as COVID had prevented them from doing so in the first place. Seniors are getting ready to make up for all of the memories they have missed, and we all are ready to resume life where we can go to movies, dine-out, and hold gatherings such as bonfires with our friends once the pandemic has blown over. The students at PTHS are eager to resume their lives prior to COVID both inside and outside school grounds.
"What are You Looking Forward to Post- Pandemic?"
""Concerts!" - McKenna Gourley
"Seeing my grandma." - Keagan Hall
"Burning my masks!" - Adam Jacobs
"Being able to go back to PTHS sporiting events." - Jacob Bressner
"Going to buffets to feast with the boys." - Aaron Adcock
"Going to restaurants with groups of friends." - Drew Hocker
"Going on adventures with Mr. Blair!" - Mrs. Janz
"Going on adventures with Mrs. Janz!" - Mr. Blair
Key Club Update By: Emilie Collins
Activities Update
The Key Club has been working hard all year long to keep serving our school and community. The Key Club has been doing small service projects and individual members have kept up volunteering anywhere and everywhere they can. This month the Key Club was able to hold their first virtual membership meeting. The meeting included introductions from all of the officers, updates on what’s been going on, a peek into the upcoming year, and a friendly Kahoot trivia game. The officers, members, and advisors are excited for what this year will bring, even though it might look different from previous years.
PTHS Sporting Events are Back! Check out PTHS Athletics events streaming on YouTube!
Upperclass Acts
Alexie Hoy
NICKNAMES: Lexie or Lex
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: My most positive moment would have to be when I was nominated as a “Face in the Crowd” for my English I class freshman year. This award is given to students who are seen as model students in the Freshman community.
ROLE MODEL(S): Chef Scott Rowan, Zendaya, and my Mom and Dad
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Pontio (Yearbook) and National Technical Honors Society
PET PEEVES: People talking while someone else is already talking, slow walkers, loud drinkers, slow drivers.
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: The Winter Dance my junior year
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: My friends will remember that I was always there for them whenever they needed me and that I was always able to make them laugh even during a serious situation HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would spend $1,000,000 by buying a building to start my bakery in and purchasing the necessary equipment and ingredients to start the operation of my bakery. I would also spend the money by buying decorations to make my bakery unique and professional. If I had any remaining money from the $1,000,000, I would give each of my parents some. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A photo album with pictures of my family and friends, my bed, and a cooler full of food. LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Enjoy high school, take advantage of the opportunities presented to you, and have fun because high school flies by and will be over before you know it.”
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Baking, Teaching English, and Writing Fiction Novels
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: I plan to attend Heartland Community College in the fall in order to pursue a certificate in small business management. From there I am going to take Cakes I and II and a few other baking courses at Joliet Junior College. After I have obtained my certifications I plan to eventually open my own small bakery.
FAVORITE MOVIE: Back to the Future II
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Hall of Fame” by The Script
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: My favorite class is English Literature with Mrs. Hatfield
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: My favorite author is Stephen King. My favorite book is Forever by Judy Blume.
Upperclass Acts
Addison Masching
NICKNAMES:Ad, Al, Allison
ROLE MODEL(S): My parents
PET PEEVES: People that chew really loudly with their mouths open and people that drive under the speed limit. WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: I think my friends will always remember me for how competitive I am and how hard I work. I also think they will also remember me for always being there for them anytime they need me. HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? If I had $1,000,000 I would go on a vacation to the Cayman Islands and probably save the rest of the money to buy a house after college. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? I would bring a water filter, food and my best friend so I wouldn’t go insane. LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Always do everything like it could be the last time. You never know when it will be you last game, class or even the last time seeing your friends. Just lay it all out on the line and have no regrets at the end of the day.”
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Math Team, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Being a member of the softball team and being a part of the winning atmosphere.
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Nursing, Kinesiology, Physical Education
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: I will be attending Illinois State University and plan to major in nursing. I will also be playing softball for the Redbirds.
FAVORITE MOVIE: Olympus Has Fallen
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: Anatomy with Mr. Nollen.
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Hitting two homeruns in our softball game against St. Joseph Ogden to beat them and win conference.
Music Review
By Conrad Skryzpiec
This month, I wanted to take a look at one of my favorite artists that I’ve started getting back into after his recent releases have started bringing him some popularity again: Cavetown. Starting in 2013 when he released his debut album, Cavetown has been releasing excellent indie/lo-fi hits that are great to study to or just listen to on their own. With SAT’s and other testing on the way, his music is great for last-minute cramming. Famous for “Lemon Boy” and “Boys Will Be Bugs,” his music has recently become popular on Tik- Tok again without many people realizing that it’s him. I suggest giving his music a listen, whether you’re cramming for your next bio test or just driving around town.
Book Review
By Ava Nollen
Christine by Stephen King
As an avid Stephen King reader, I can confidently say Christine is one of his best works. Christine is a story about a misfit high school student, his fascination with a rundown car, and how it slowly spirals into a horrific battle between humans and a vehicle with a mind of its own. With the casual narration of a fellow student, the disquieting feeling that the book brings is sure to hook readers and unsettle even the most grizzled horror fans. It is a book sure to stay in the back of your mind for even days after reading. King weaves together fantastical situations with all too realistic high school experiences to create the perfect plot. Christine will keep you guessing all the way through, not ever sure what might happen next. I would rate this book 4 of 5 stars. The deduction of points goes to length. While it is not nearly as long as It or Moby Dick, for a reader who doesn’t often read lengthy books, the size might seem daunting.
The Chief Staff
Creative Corner: Student Poetry
Joe Gilmor: Editor-in-Chief
Alaska Bennet Emilie Collins Callie Dalton Ava Nollen
A Poem by Alaska Bennett
Alyssa Rodriguez Conrad Skryzpiec Gabe Travis Jasmine White
Our fingers are all crossed As we all hope for a cure
A cure to end the pandemic of Covid 19 Which has killed many as Ebola did in 15 Friends have journeyed to the land of the dead Enemies have journeyed as well
Mr. Blair, Faculty Sponsor Dr. Soares, Faculty Sponsor
We are now united by sympathies but still divided by entities Our compassions cannot travel beyond the walls of our rooms We are now left to succumb to the limitations set by W.H.O
As that is better me and you Our fingers are still crossed As we hope for a cure A cure to make things get back to how they used to be like before.
Enjoy creative writing? If you ever would ever like to see your creative pieces in The Chief , contact Dr. Soares or Mr. Blair!
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