The CHIEF April 2021

Literature Review

By Ava Nollen

The Phantom Tollbooth is certainly one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read. Reminiscent of a Roald Dahl book, this 1961 work by Norton Juster will have you enraptured. Juster, who died last month at the age of 91, filled the book with witticisms and wordplay, such as jumping to the island named Conclusions, or going on a journey to save Rhyme and Reason. This is classified as a children's book, but it's a book I read at least twice a year. It shows the benefits of knowledge and the importance of keeping a good imagination. No matter what age you are, The Phantom Tollbooth is a must read. I would rate this book a 5 of 5 stars. I can find no flaw with this book, except that it is not more widely appreciated with my generation. The Phantom Tollbooth is a book that has and will continue to stand the test of time. The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

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