PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024

PEERS IN ACTION -- Peers In Action is an extracurricular club for Peer Partners and anyone who doesn’t have an academic learning center and wants to be involved with the students in the Adaptive Living and Life Skills classrooms.

PONTIO -- The school’s yearbook is prepared by students elected and appointed to various staff positions.

SCHOLASTIC BOWL -- Scholastic Bowl team members compete academically against other teams by answering questions that cover a wide range of topics. It provides the opportunity to engage in intellectually challenging competition and is open to any PTHS student.

SCIENCE CLUB -- The Science club’s goal is to stimulate interest and achievement in science through various activities.

SPANISH CLUB – The purpose of the club is to impart cultural knowledge about Spanish speaking countries and to promote greater interest in the Spanish language and customs.

STUDENT COUNCIL -- The purpose of Student Council is to provide student government sponsored by the student body, which will concern itself with all school activities, interests, and problems. It offers an excellent training ground for citizenship education and for all around social and intellectual development. TRI-M -- This national music society is based on leadership, attitude, cooperation, service, and musicianship. Students who are active in band and/or chorus must have a B-average overall, at least a B in music, and music faculty recommendations to be eligible for membership. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE The schedule for activity meetings during the school year is listed below. The meetings will be conducted on Wednesdays from 2:50 - 3:10 p.m. Clubs will be grouped (Group A, B, C, or D) to reduce the number of conflicts between groups. The division is:

GroupA KeyClub


GroupB Art Club

Location Room13

Auditorium Room122A


Student Council



Location Room14


Location Room103 Room132 Auditorium





Spanish Club



Peers in Action


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