PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
10. Weather permitting, students may be allowed out on the concrete plaza area in front of the commons area doors. Any student caught off of the plaza area without permission may be assigned disciplinary consequences. 11. Throwing food or tableware will not be tolerated.
Students who violate any of the rules listed above will be handled on an individual basis by the administration. Consequences may range from verbal reprimand to expulsion.
Breakfast In addition to lunch, the Cafeteria offers a breakfast which is served daily from 7:30AM – 7:45AM.
ACADEMIC LEARNING CENTERS Students who participate in school activities, who work in the afternoon or evenings, and many others have little time to study outside of school. Academic Learning Centers are provided, therefore, so that all students may make the most of their days at PTHS. In fairness to all, students will observe the following regulations: 1. Come to the Academic Learning Center prepared. Come ready to study the entire period. 2. Remain in the same assigned seat each day. 3. Work during the entire period. Visiting, sleeping, or otherwise non-productive use of time will not be permitted. 4. Be seated and ready to work when the final bell rings. 5. Students should not leave their seat without permission. 6. Students are not allowed to speak with other students without first securing permission from the learning center supervisor. 7. Food and drink is prohibited without administrative approval for special events. 8. Leave the room in a neat and orderly manner. 9. Do not mark on the desks. STUDENT ASSEMBLIES 1. Auditorium assemblies--Students are to sit in their assigned seat. Seat assignments appear on the student’s schedule. 2. Pep assemblies are in the gym. Seating is assigned by class. Students are expected to sit with their class during the pep assemblies. All pep assemblies are mandatory for attendance. AUTO REGULATIONS Students may park their vehicles in the West (outside Commons Main Entrance) parking lot designated for students. Vehicles must be parked between the painted lines. Vehicles shall be driven safely and must yield to pedestrians. Vehicles parked outside painted lines or designated parking spots may be ticketed or towed at the discretion of the school, at the vehicle owner’s expense. Students caught driving recklessly in the parking lot may be subject to disciplinary action. The North (Indiana Ave.) and South (Between LACC and Natatorium) parking lots are designated for school staff, personnel, and others designated by administration. These lots MAY NOT be used by students at any time. Student vehicles parked in these lots may be ticketed or towed at the discretion of administration.
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