PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
THIRD VIOLATION : If the student is removed from class for a third time, he/she may be withdrawn from the class with a WF (Withdrew Failing) and placed in a study hall. The parents will be notified, and they may request a conference to review the disciplinary action. If repeated occurrences of inappropriate behavior continue in other classes, the student will be referred to administration. Discipline will be assigned by the administration in accordance with the severity of the problem. Consequences may range from verbal reprimand to expulsion. DUE PROCESS - STUDENT RIGHTS To ensure that the student receives fair treatment consistent with the fundamental requirements of due process, student suspensions or recommendations for expulsion are made in accordance with the following procedures for out-of-school suspensions: 1. A student must be given the opportunity to present information on his/her own behalf prior to suspension. The suspension shall be reported immediately by phone to the parents or guardians of each suspended student and to the Board of Education through the Superintendent of Schools. The report to the parents/guardians shall be made by letter through the U.S. mail. A copy of this letter will be sufficient notification to all others. The suspension will begin immediately unless a formal appeal has been made to the appropriate administrator. 2. The suspension letter shall give a full statement of the reasons for the suspension and notice to the parents or guardian of their right to review. The procedure for review, if requested, shall be as follows: a. All requests for review shall be made by the parents or guardians within ten days after receipt of “Notice of Suspension” and shall be made to the person ordering the suspension. b. The parents or guardians requesting the review shall appear and discuss the suspension or expulsion with the Board of Education or a Board-appointed Hearing Officer. Hearings shall be heard within ten days after receiving the request for review. c. Thereafter, if a hearing officer is used, he/she shall report to the Board, by written summary, the evidence heard at the meeting. d. Upon request of the report, the Board may take such action as it finds appropriate. Hearings thereon shall be held in executive session for the protection of the student involved. 3. A student shall be reinstated after suspension by the Principal or his/her representative only. Further continuance of school is contingent upon the conduct of the student being consistent with that which is expected of good school citizens. Reinstatement may occur only after a parental conference involving appropriate school personnel. ISOLATED TIME OUT, TIME OUT AND PHYSICAL RESTRAINT Isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint shall only be used if the student’s behavior presents an imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others and other less restrictive and intrusive measures were tried and proven ineffective in stopping it. The school may not use isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint as discipline or punishment, convenience for staff, retaliation, a substitute for appropriate educational or behavioral support, a routine safety matter, or to prevent property damage in the absence of imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others. The use of prone restraint is prohibited.
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